Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna


Well-Known Member
Droppin in, NICE GROW:-) I want to see how BC mango goes for you, I got 10 of them i want to use in my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I picked up another bag of fox farms ocean forest today, I think I added to much worm castings to my soil mix, so when I water it gets a bit to muddy for my liking. So im going to add some more of the ocean forest to it and see how it feels.

Pics possibly up in a couple minutes, not sure were the camera is


Well-Known Member
Pictures time :weed:

The two plants in the green pots are the Kahunas, the other two are from the mix.

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Active Member
It is looking good man. I think your leaves might be a little light though, Im not sure though your the expert. I just transplanted mine the other day. Come check out my grow. You know how to get there.


Well-Known Member
Well I think plants are going to start needing some food soon but it just rained so I think ill wait till the soil dries out, and then feed them some Big bloom, and Grow big at 40% of reccomended dose. I may also add some liquid seaweed havent decided yet. I will let you know exact amounts before I feed.


Well-Known Member
going to feed today. Giving them 1 tablespoon of big bloom, and 1/4 of a teaspoon of grow big.

Ill get some pictures since im going to have to drive out there anyways.


Well-Known Member
Damn spider mites! while watering plants I noticed some brown spots on the leafs, I knew it wasnt a deffciency so I took a closer look and saw some small webs. Wiped down all the leaves and then went and got the Bayer Pesticide and gave them a nice spray.

And then... becuase I hate spider mites so damn much. I mixed a gallon of Bayer and sprayed a gallon worth on everything within a 10ft radius of my plants.

I think the spider mites will try and eat the constitution before they try and eat my shit again = )

anyways ill post pictures on my next post.


Well-Known Member
Pictures loading right now, o and on a side note, I decieded to give them 1/3 teaspoon of grow big, instead of the 1/4th. Next watering depending on how they are doing, I may add some liquid seaweed and a drop of superthrive.


Active Member
That sucks dude, good thing you checked them out before they got worse. Fortunately, I think your plants cosmetic defections will not effect the amount of bud you are going to have.


Well-Known Member
That sucks dude, good thing you checked them out before they got worse. Fortunately, I think your plants cosmetic defections will not effect the amount of bud you are going to have.
yeah im deffently glad I got them before it got worse. Mites can really tear a plant up if you dont catch them


Well-Known Member
u said u use 1 table spoon nute and 1/4 of the other
but how much water do u mix in?
as in mix per liter?
per gallon, sorry for leaving that important part out.

Im going to go take a look at the plants in a little bit see how they liked their first feed.

Lets say... Wednesday for new pictures? everyone ok with that?