I would be more scared if they had a pocketful of rocks....lol......cuz they couldn't hit sand if they fell of a camelAK47. Every video on the nightly news documenting an uprising everywhere in the world shows a crowd of angry young men lofting an AK47.
The computer......lol............could be???where would our military be with out it????
Yep!!........not initially intended as a weapon, but the greatest creation (that also has potential to be used as a weapon) is the internet.
As is to one, the other. Have darts?The bow. I think it had an even greater effect on history than the spear, with or without the atlatl. We will probably never know. cn
OK, as to that, I'll say... the rock is the fist at a distance, as is a mark big, daisy cutter bomb and every projectile strike. Explosion or none.I think it would be between the bow and the slingshot. The first side with the ability to propel ammo through the air (other than just throwing) had to be devastating to the opposition.
Propaganda (false flags, politics, libertarian socialism, etc...)[/QUOTE
Life, you took my answer.... Propaganda is the best military weapon ever, hands down... It has won wars before they even started. Very powerful indeed! The pen is mightier than a sword (paraphrased of course) but so true!
Yup but I'm out of frog. cnAs is to one, the other. Have darts?
Naw. That's just an oversized and power toy.