I am one to try new things, and felt like sharing my first real experiance with kratom. I purchased capsules as my first kratom, reading how the leaf is almost gaging to go down (this is true!) I used the whole oz of capsules in less than 5 days time taking 1g or 2g worth of them. I did notice a plesant stimulant effect from the plant at low doses that meshed well with weight lifting at the gym but the effects were mild and never lasted longer than a few hrs. I ran out of the oz and still felt like I needed more experiance with kratom to know what it is so bought a qp of crushed leaf. Pure leaf is nasty. Its hard to ingest in any fashion without getting that awful taste in your mouth. After all the leaf was grinded (goes down smoother) I ingested around 8.6g of powder mixed with cold water. This is an average dose of kratom, so I have read 2-15g. In 30 min I began to feel a light euphoria that is common with kratom, and went to sleep not knowing what I was in for. Middle of the night awoke to use the restroom and noticed a NAUSEA and a DISSNESS that was unshakeable. Made it back to bed and hoped the effects would fade off tomorrw. Wrong woke the next morning feeling the same way, almost flu like symptoms and had to call off work. The trip has lasted 8hrs and sucks and I dont recomend kratom to anybody. Smoke weed everyday.