Kratom trip from hell


I am one to try new things, and felt like sharing my first real experiance with kratom. I purchased capsules as my first kratom, reading how the leaf is almost gaging to go down (this is true!) I used the whole oz of capsules in less than 5 days time taking 1g or 2g worth of them. I did notice a plesant stimulant effect from the plant at low doses that meshed well with weight lifting at the gym but the effects were mild and never lasted longer than a few hrs. I ran out of the oz and still felt like I needed more experiance with kratom to know what it is so bought a qp of crushed leaf. Pure leaf is nasty. Its hard to ingest in any fashion without getting that awful taste in your mouth. After all the leaf was grinded (goes down smoother) I ingested around 8.6g of powder mixed with cold water. This is an average dose of kratom, so I have read 2-15g. In 30 min I began to feel a light euphoria that is common with kratom, and went to sleep not knowing what I was in for. Middle of the night awoke to use the restroom and noticed a NAUSEA and a DISSNESS that was unshakeable. Made it back to bed and hoped the effects would fade off tomorrw. Wrong woke the next morning feeling the same way, almost flu like symptoms and had to call off work. The trip has lasted 8hrs and sucks and I dont recomend kratom to anybody. Smoke weed everyday.


Well-Known Member
That's not even that bad of an experience... kratom is perfectly safe.... no danger whatsoever... you are one of the kids that are going to help ban one of my favorite plants for stupid stories like this. People have had worse experiences from weed. haha..... jeesh.


plus 8.6g is a super high dose especially if you don't have a tolerance. I've done kratom several times a day for over a year, and still only use about 5-6 grams at a time. For a while I stuck to 3.


Well-Known Member
I like Kratom quite a bit. It's really good for opiate withdraws. I like to mix mine with green Powerade. When the nausea hits, i just drink a can of coke. Viola stomach is happy.


Well-Known Member
That's not even that bad of an experience... kratom is perfectly safe.... no danger whatsoever... you are one of the kids that are going to help ban one of my favorite plants for stupid stories like this. People have had worse experiences from weed. haha..... jeesh.


plus 8.6g is a super high dose especially if you don't have a tolerance. I've done kratom several times a day for over a year, and still only use about 5-6 grams at a time. For a while I stuck to 3.
That's what I was thinking. I usually dosed around 3 and that would be enough. Since he said he was taking it everyday for a while, I thought maybe he was experiencing withdraw symptoms. I don't have enough experience with it, so I left that out. What I do know, is that sleeping with 9 grams of anything in your stomach isn't a smart decision.


Well-Known Member
Harley..."you're" uneducated in the english language...and dude,read before you dose..I know shit about kratom,but I do know sporadic dosings of "about this much in close to this amount of time" is not the safest way travel with any sfe dude..people love you,and don't wanna ever miss you I bet.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity,how would kratom affect me,a big dude who just smokes,drinks,and trips,for his first time..what happens when you use this plant..I'm being lazy and don't feel like google...


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity,how would kratom affect me,a big dude who just smokes,drinks,and trips,for his first time..what happens when you use this plant..I'm being lazy and don't feel like google...
might help you cut back on drinking if you get the right strain, and dose properly. I know it did for me. I used to drink everyday. Now I drink about once or twice a month. But, that's just me. Everyone's different. you might not like it. who knows. but, I wouldn't recommend doing kratom if you have had a drink or a few. especially if you've never done it. it will make you puke.

for the first time, you should start very low... it will probably give you a little bit of a happy feeling for a while with subtle energy and anti-anxiety, and then it will really help you sleep after it wears off.

for me it helps give me energy in the mornings while still being relaxed and calm with less anxiety... and at night it allows me to chill back, enjoy night time, and go to sleep very well. Plus much much more. It helps with pain.... kratom was made for me pretty much.

and I am really tore up right now (NOT on kratom) so probably not the best at explaining although I've been using kratom daily for a yeah haha.

It might not be around very much longer. there's a bunch of shit going on in indonesia/the states/etc.


Well-Known Member
So kinda like an herbal valium? A sedative? You say energy and relaxing..I'm not getting it...any vendor so I can figure it out..reliable,reasonable?.p.m. me please..