need some tips here


hey anyone now what i can do to fatten up thys girls ther northern lights at about 65 days i think. been given thim 1ml superthrive, 6ml age old bloom, 1ml CaMg+ an ph up/down.



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bloom boosters personally i like sugar daddy but to each there own
blackstrap molasses is often used towards the flush or right at the start depends who you ask


Well-Known Member
after a closer look time is gonna be your friend that bitch just started growin tits let her mature :p


well im using ago old bloom right now if i go to some other bloom booster ill have to order it and i dont think it will get here in time to do any good for thim
been thinking of upping the dose but dont want to hurt thim iv been runing 6ml to a gallon water


after a closer look time is gonna be your friend that bitch just started growin tits let her mature :p
:clap: lmao idk man i really dont know how old she is 65 days is me guessing theys are my first to start droping leafs with the buds that small


Well-Known Member
Even though my bagseed auto is shitty as fuck because i had no clue it was an auto for the longest time, I've noticed my buds swell more when i switched from using 10-10-10 at 1/4th str, to using 15-30-15 at just under 1/4th strength. Just my experience.


Even though my bagseed auto is shitty as fuck because i had no clue it was an auto for the longest time, I've noticed my buds swell more when i switched from using 10-10-10 at 1/4th str, to using 15-30-15 at just under 1/4th strength. Just my experience.
man i anteven going to lie i know what the 10-10-10, 15-30-15 is but have no ideal how to ajusted i know mines 5-10-5 or so it says on the bottel but i just use 6 ml to a gallon idk if thats too much or not enough


Well-Known Member
usually they come with instructions on them for indoor and outdoor plants. Then from there it'll tell you how many tsp or tbsp to mix per gallon of water. Like my 10-10-10 all purpose says 1 tsp per gallon. So for 1/4th str i use 1/4 tsp into a gallon of water. If yours doesn't have instructions contact the supplier through there 1800 number.


usually they come with instructions on them for indoor and outdoor plants. Then from there it'll tell you how many tsp or tbsp to mix per gallon of water. Like my 10-10-10 all purpose says 1 tsp per gallon. So for 1/4th str i use 1/4 tsp into a gallon of water. If yours doesn't have instructions contact the supplier through there 1800 number.
ok i get that part but what i dont get is the 5-10-5 part but on other hand iv never really looked it up ether... but mine is 5-10-5 an it says 1 to 3 tsp to a gallon an im useing 6ml to a gallon so do u think that enough or what???


Well-Known Member
ok i get that part but what i dont get is the 5-10-5 part but on other hand iv never really looked it up ether... but mine is 5-10-5 an it says 1 to 3 tsp to a gallon an im useing 6ml to a gallon so do u think that enough or what???
well 6 ml is only 1.2 tsp. yet at the same time autos are known for not liking high doses of nutrients. Im sure your nutrients specifies what dosage defines full strength somewhere on it for indoor plants. But from the information you gave, im gonna say ABOUT 2 tsp every other water would probably be sufficient. Just be sure to read your plants more then you read posts. If 2 tsp every other water is too much because of mild burning, drop it to 1.5 tsp. Purely my opinion.

Edit: Btw 5-10-5 is your NPK.
K= Potassium


im on day 41 of my buddha mixed autos i gave them half ml to 2 litres of superthrive every othr feed for first two weeks then canna flores 10 ml per 2 litres with water inbetween feeds but i have been careful with the boost cos they seemed to have a bad affect on them at first so just be careful with the dose View attachment 2562247View attachment 2562248


ooo ok i get it now guess you learn new stuff every day.... well i didnt know all that an iv been giving 6ml old age bloom, 1ml superthrive, and 1ml CaMg+ every watering guess i better slack off some...


Well-Known Member
if some of it finishes before the rest then clip the ones that appear done and just keep on truckin
eventually youll hit life span


Well-Known Member
all the important questions were never asked lighting ? soil? pot appears to be atleast a 3 gal bucket if its a 5 gal then you plant took a more sativa stance and may likely keep the long nodes and sparse bud sites if this is so it may take longer then the breeders time frame. you also have to take in account alot of times breeders are growing under optimal conditions nutes are spot on and probably was grown under very high powered veg and bloom lighting ive had them take a month past what the breeder calls for also some of the time frames say lets say 8 weeks to flower but there not telling you it takes 3-5 weeks to start flower then you have the ones that say from seed to flower and this is usually to about the time the buds are near ready when in fact if your going by tric's could be weeks off also


Well-Known Member
i use the recipe for success at 1/4 strength for 6 weeks or a week after flower i bump it up to 1/3 i have some im running now that i started on the same nutes just used the flower recipe for the whole grow and i believe it to be more then sufficient for the needs of a auto


all the important questions were never asked lighting ? soil? pot appears to be atleast a 3 gal bucket if its a 5 gal then you plant took a more sativa stance and may likely keep the long nodes and sparse bud sites if this is so it may take longer then the breeders time frame. you also have to take in account alot of times breeders are growing under optimal conditions nutes are spot on and probably was grown under very high powered veg and bloom lighting ive had them take a month past what the breeder calls for also some of the time frames say lets say 8 weeks to flower but there not telling you it takes 3-5 weeks to start flower then you have the ones that say from seed to flower and this is usually to about the time the buds are near ready when in fact if your going by tric's could be weeks off also
ummm i have a 400w hps on 16/8, 5 gallon pot from seed, miracle gro garden soil ''personally don't like'', and idk really what day im on, just lost track but know im at the end and have about 30 to 50% amber hairs on all buds....