What do you do about the smell?


As i mentioned like, once on rollitup i have no sense of smell
which means i can't smell how strong and delicious my plants smell
as i can't afford a carbon filter i was wondering if there was any way around it

i work in a hospital as part of my degree so was thinking i could wipe a strong antiseptic around the doorframe and door to my college room (share a house with a mate of mine, I smoke in the house so the smell isn't that much of an issue, was just thinking this would help cover it at least a bit? (we use antiseptic to clean beds after smelly patients and i've been told it works wonders) )

whats everyone's thoughts?



Active Member
I guess you could do that... I hope it works for you. If you can't afford to get a carbon filter, maybe then look into ONA Gel. Its a very strong smelling gel, comes in many different size buckets and all you do is open the lid and sit it out.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
The price of a carbon filter and fan is nothing compared to a cultivation charge. Save your money, borrow some from mom, whatever, get a filter bro.


Not a chance. You're not training to work with colostomies by chance are you? If not that is too bad.
haha no, but do a lot with barium enemas (fill the backside with a contrast material and film it with x-rays on the way out, so have access to plenty of cleaning solutions ;) )

Was thinking about soaking some silica gel packets (the little packets you get in shoes/electrical equipment to absorb moisture) and leaving them in a jar by the door so theres always alcohol evaporating off leaving that artificially clean hospital smell i hear so much about?

Will try it and feed back if my roommate says anything as flowering progresses


Well-Known Member
have multiple febreeze self squirter things, you know those things that scare the shit out of you when your at someones house for the first time. Put like 5 up that shoot at the same time so your entire house basically jizzes a wonderful smell every few minutes, if you can't afford a carbon filter that'd be your best bet if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
haha no, but do a lot with barium enemas (fill the backside with a contrast material and film it with x-rays on the way out, so have access to plenty of cleaning solutions ;) )

Was thinking about soaking some silica gel packets (the little packets you get in shoes/electrical equipment to absorb moisture) and leaving them in a jar by the door so theres always alcohol evaporating off leaving that artificially clean hospital smell i hear so much about?

Will try it and feed back if my roommate says anything as flowering progresses
When I have worked ICU at Adventist hospitals and needed odor control - they send a big bottle of peppermint oil or spearmint oil up. With a wick to go in it. Works wonders. Covers the smell of decaying flesh in decubitus ulcers.


have multiple febreeze self squirter things, you know those things that scare the shit out of you when your at someones house for the first time. Put like 5 up that shoot at the same time so your entire house basically jizzes a wonderful smell every few minutes, if you can't afford a carbon filter that'd be your best bet if you ask me.
This seems like a good idea, whole different world this smell stuff :P scares the hell outa me anyway haha

When I have worked ICU at Adventist hospitals and needed odor control - they send a big bottle of peppermint oil or spearmint oil up. With a wick to go in it. Works wonders. Covers the smell of decaying flesh in decubitus ulcers.
ooo this sounds like it could be perfect! i'll ask at the storeroom if they've got any out of date ones when i'm next in the hospital, cheers!


Pet skunk? :mrgreen: Tincture of benzoin
haha tried to get a pet cat, because i've heard flowering plants can smell cat pissy, so was going to blame it on that, but was told no :(
i'll just have to smoke up more often :bigjoint:my roommates never smoked in his life, he'll struggle to tell the difference xD i hope :P


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
As i mentioned like, once on rollitup i have no sense of smell
which means i can't smell how strong and delicious my plants smell
as i can't afford a carbon filter i was wondering if there was any way around it

i work in a hospital as part of my degree so was thinking i could wipe a strong antiseptic around the doorframe and door to my college room (share a house with a mate of mine, I smoke in the house so the smell isn't that much of an issue, was just thinking this would help cover it at least a bit? (we use antiseptic to clean beds after smelly patients and i've been told it works wonders) )

whats everyone's thoughts?

Not A33 or even Glutaraldehyde will help you. Just get a fan and a carbon filter. They don't have to be gigantic just sized to the grow.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
How about a vaporizer with Mucomist in it? Try getting that down somebody's throat in a drink.
ROFLMAO!! Well you know the thing about the wick and oil took me right back to the 'Adventist Hospitals'. They have some unique ways of doing things don't they? But there are some smells you remember the rest of your life. How about the smell of Pseudomonas?

Oh yeah Mucomist what brand of idiot tries to commit suicide with Tylenol? sigh.....


Well-Known Member
Removing the smell is better than masking it.:wink: Just get the filter. Ona gel works but then your place smells like Ona gel.
Gas gangrene..what a pleasant thread..lol


Well-Known Member
Or a cheaped alternative to a carbon filter would be an ozone generator. You could get a small one for 50$


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You know thinn could be right an ozone generator might do it. But the beauty of a fan and carbon filter is it also helps with extra heat which is an issue in a small enclosed space. Ah Coho, yes I'd forgotten about gas gangrene, love the crepitus hated the smell.