Tahoe OG Kush Blackstar LED SCROG

Sunshine mix 4 is hydro. Aqua flakes is for sunshine 4. I thought the same thing I was using soil a and b, but when I switched I was wondering why the fuck I was using soil a and b when I'm in a soilless mix.
Sunshine mix 4 is hydro. Aqua flakes is for sunshine 4. I thought the same thing I was using soil a and b, but when I switched I was wondering why the fuck I was using soil a and b when I'm in a soilless mix.

Whaaaat? Shieeet. You for reals? I'm going to ask my hydro store now! I'm doing just fine with soil a/b though! Can I finish using this with no issues?

Edit: I just called my hydro store, and they told me I am fine using Soil A/B because even though it is soilless mixture, it resembles soil the closest. He says Aqua Flakes is predominately used for rockwool, hydro. At the end of the day he says I could use both, but Ill be fine still using Soil A/B
Soil has nutes in it, which is why soil a and b is made weaker in strength. Sunshine #4 has absolutely no nutrient benefit in it, which is why aqua flakes is mandatory in a soilless. It'll take u way further. Just out of curiosity r u using much cal mag?
Soil has nutes in it, which is why soil a and b is made weaker in strength. Sunshine #4 has absolutely no nutrient benefit in it, which is why aqua flakes is mandatory in a soilless. It'll take u way further. Just out of curiosity r u using much cal mag?

Hmm.. Interesting point. Well Im burning them at normal strength anyways! hahaha. I have to use 70% of the recommended nutrient strength. I don't want any stronger! lol. No I am not using CAL MAG. I read that H&G has enough Calcium in their products where I can get away with not using any CAL MAG.
sss lll eeee zzzzz dude.

I checked out the illadelph site and am really interested in the lil glass spoon pipe. Do you th ink its really worth the hundrend bucks. ?
i busted my volcano back out this weekend.

i have had mine now about 2 .5 years. I grind up my herb and fill the chamber pretty much to the top.
Dailed in at 4.. i do my first balloon. Its always light vapor and nice tasting.. light on the high compared to the next balloon.
Balloon #2 always seems more primed and vapor thicker and smoke much more intense.
Balloon number 3 harsher and a bit more thick vapor then the previous.
then my herb usually turns yellow and smells burnt. and i toss it.
How many balloons does it take to get to the center of your mind?
I actually returned my vOLcanO to them for repair because i thought the heating unit was malfunctioning . When i got it back i still have to dial it at 4 to get it right. When i first recieved the unit i was dialing in a 7 for a long time. its still a really nice alternative and the high can be seriously devestating.
sss lll eeee zzzzz dude.

I checked out the illadelph site and am really interested in the lil glass spoon pipe. Do you th ink its really worth the hundrend bucks. ?
i busted my volcano back out this weekend.

i have had mine now about 2 .5 years. I grind up my herb and fill the chamber pretty much to the top.
Dailed in at 4.. i do my first balloon. Its always light vapor and nice tasting.. light on the high compared to the next balloon.
Balloon #2 always seems more primed and vapor thicker and smoke much more intense.
Balloon number 3 harsher and a bit more thick vapor then the previous.
then my herb usually turns yellow and smells burnt. and i toss it.
How many balloons does it take to get to the center of your mind?
I actually returned my vOLcanO to them for repair because i thought the heating unit was malfunctioning . When i got it back i still have to dial it at 4 to get it right. When i first recieved the unit i was dialing in a 7 for a long time. its still a really nice alternative and the high can be seriously devestating.

Sup Doc? Told you the ILLADELPH is sick!I checked out that glass spoon pipe and its pretty sick! I thought you were looking for a Bong? Either way it is good quality glass that you will be happy with!

Ive had my Classic Volcano for a couple months now. I only grind up 1/4 way and use setting 6. I get nice thick vapor at that setting, and can get up to three balloons if I wanted too. I usually toss it after the second balloon cuz I am a snob and I am swimming in weed! Im sure if I HAD too, I could get more! I like to fill it up a 1/4 way because I want that green, sweet taste as much as possible. I don't like the burnt popcorn taste. yuck! Im pretty impressed with it and it does knock you on your ass if you aren't careful! I have literally thrown up about 6 times in my mouth because I was choking soo hard! Its a good device if you smoke everyday and want to change it up once in a while! But for tasting harvested buds, I definitely stick with the Illadelph first!
These girls are stretching like a mofo! Ive had to raise my lights every single day a couple inches. Buds are definitely in production mode, and there are no nute burns! Its been quite hot the last few days (82F), but I have managed to keep my temps in the optimum range of 75-78F. Really excited with the progress, everything looks on track.


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Hey Sleezy1, so far so great :)! Really like what's going on with your grow but here's an LED question/hypothesis/Blue Cheese induced brain-fart for you.

Since one of the keys to growing with LEDs, at least to some people, is to find a LED panel's "sweet-spot", (which would be the height that gives the panel the best trade-off between growth and coverage), should you be raising the lights, which is removing the lower portion of the plant from the sweet-spot and probably contributing to some excess stretch? In other words, do you think it's better not to raise the panel and let the nodal space just get ridiculously tight, which your BS's are more than capable of doing, and try to limit the stretch that way? Or do you want the stretch, "cause dammit I'm scrogging OG here FranJan!". Just wondering cause it's kinda hard to tell how high the panels are. Best of Luck S1

Oh and any chance of some natural light photos? Puh-leeeeeeeeese :).
Hey Sleezy1, so far so great :)! Really like what's going on with your grow but here's an LED question/hypothesis/Blue Cheese induced brain-fart for you.

Since one of the keys to growing with LEDs, at least to some people, is to find a LED panel's "sweet-spot", (which would be the height that gives the panel the best trade-off between growth and coverage), should you be raising the lights, which is removing the lower portion of the plant from the sweet-spot and probably contributing to some excess stretch? In other words, do you think it's better not to raise the panel and let the nodal space just get ridiculously tight, which your BS's are more than capable of doing, and try to limit the stretch that way? Or do you want the stretch, "cause dammit I'm scrogging OG here FranJan!". Just wondering cause it's kinda hard to tell how high the panels are. Best of Luck S1

Oh and any chance of some natural light photos? Puh-leeeeeeeeese :).

Those are some good questions Fran Jan! You are right, if I were to keep the light lower, only the middle part of the SCROG would be in the "Sweet Spot". I raise my lights 14 inches above the canopy, to stretch out that "sweet spot", so that the whole SCROG screen receives the proper distance to utilize the full spectrum of the LED lights. Thru my previous grows, I have figured out 14 inches is the best distance to get the best of both worlds! The stretching from this strain is not from the distance from the light, but from the actual strain. I was told by Progressive Options that this strain is definitely a big time stretcher, and I have compared my results to Lordjin's Journal. The stretching is normal and I am not concerned with it, it was expected.

Yes I will get some Lights Out pics later tonight at 6pm. Stay tuned!
Here are some lights out pics on Day 13 of flower. Still Stretching, still budding.


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hey sleezo
your bong is so super sweet. One DAY! ONE DAY! i must have it and Lordjins bong i get all worked up about as well..lol.. super sweet. you guys really grow some KILLA weed.
I am so super impressed with both your grows , skills and gardens growing the Tahoe.... im going to grow it next in a waterfarm.
Those picx of your garden up above sleezy are GORGEOUS!> i tried to rep you dude . you makemy knees weak. the colors are spectacular. the health amazing. just so damn beautiful.
Im going to the Canna cup in Denver next month and i really hope that Cali Con Seeds will be there to sell me some Feminized Tahoe Og .
I would love to got to PO and pick up a clone on day. Imight just have to make a special trip.Wouldnt it be so awesome if you and jin and me met at PO, all got clones, went to the mountains to try each others kick ass herb and then grow the clones and compare notes online! I think that would be really fun!!
have a great weekend!
yeyyehhh yyeeeshhh ,fur shur ..... now , now were steppin it up. fuck yeah MO! i can see it now.. this is gonna be fuckin huge.the most monumental online gro off eVER! and to see you MO bust it out big in yur back yard by the pool! Then after the grow off MO goin host a big pool party at his house to sample the delicious harvests and see whos tastes the best and gets us the highest. man the future looks bright!!!
the leaves are so sensuous. this photo makes me want to reach out and grab the soft pliable leaf stems and rub the leaves. it looks kinda rubbery and i bet smells terrific.
Hey, bro. It's looking good.

You might want to think about removing the foliage under the screen. Start with the most useless and dead stuff first and gradually keep trimming until you're naked down there... I would say over the span of a few days. Nothing's gonna happen under screen, so anything growing down there is just taking energy away from the stuff above screen. And leaving dying foliage under there is just begging for trouble.

You want to look something like this down below in late bloom.

I noticed that these clones produced far less root matter than the previous cuts from PO (without reduction in plant size) -- Another reason I think these are better genetics. Less a chance of getting root bound. Big plants, small roots is the ideal.
hey sleezo
your bong is so super sweet. One DAY! ONE DAY! i must have it and Lordjins bong i get all worked up about as well..lol.. super sweet. you guys really grow some KILLA weed.
I am so super impressed with both your grows , skills and gardens growing the Tahoe.... im going to grow it next in a waterfarm.
Those picx of your garden up above sleezy are GORGEOUS!> i tried to rep you dude . you makemy knees weak. the colors are spectacular. the health amazing. just so damn beautiful.
Im going to the Canna cup in Denver next month and i really hope that Cali Con Seeds will be there to sell me some Feminized Tahoe Og .
I would love to got to PO and pick up a clone on day. Imight just have to make a special trip.Wouldnt it be so awesome if you and jin and me met at PO, all got clones, went to the mountains to try each others kick ass herb and then grow the clones and compare notes online! I think that would be really fun!!
have a great weekend!

Sounds good! Where are you from Doc? Let me know when you plan to come into town!