Dear Marijuana, I am dying. Please Help me!

She is growing. She wanted to document her struggle with crohn's disease and her battle with it.

Currently she has been watching my 2 year old nephew and caring for my father, and she is back to worrying about others and not herself. That is her comfort zone. She will help other all day, never has taken care of herself though. With her caring for my nephew she put the thread on hold temporarily, but some of us are using suggestions for her. lol.

Supply of meds help and so do strain ideas. Do you have meds and strain suggestions? Do you know much about crohn's? How about woman that ignore you?
How is it going stow?

Very good! We will be wrapping it up tomorrow night. I am SOOO looking forward to eating something!!

The first 4-5 days were rough. Headache, no energy, hungry, etc .... then the switch was flipped, and I woke up on day 5 feeling great! Tons of energy, no hungry feeling, just an all around feeling of well being. My weakness is/was the late night snacks. I played hockey for years, and I was conditioned to not eat much all day, and then have a huge meal after games around 11:00pm ..... so add to that the munchies I get from smoking a doob, and I'm a fucking garbage disposal at night. This juice fast is a breeze for me during the day, but it really tests my resolve at night! I've stuck with it though, and have actually lost about 15lbs .... and I feel great! I highly recommend everyone try it!

If you do it, be sure to take something to help you take a shit! Juice fasting removes every bit of fiber from your food, and you will have a really tough time taking a dump without blowing out your O-ring! We are using this stuff called Psyllium Husk Powder, and it has worked fairly well.
I have to say that I have not read this entire thread but have friends with Crohn's and a wife in chronic pain (which of course inevitably leads to depression).

She has found that for pain and anxiety/depression that Blueberry and hybrids work well, vortex also is one of her favorites. She, like you has had a wasting disease that they cannot diagnose. In 6 months I watched her go from a size 10 to a 0, scary shit.

Hope everything works well for you. I am trying to keep a Journal for my wife to figure out what we should start growing. Grand Rapids has enough dispensaries to have access to tons of strains to try.

Let us know if anything specific helps you. I think we all have to get together and start rating strains for medical use ( 1-10 on nausea, pain, depression, anxiety, also daytime use/energy level)
She claims that White Widow has helped her the most. Bubba OG was her second fav, (dr greenthumb), But that was many other's first choice. The jilly bean helped her depression alot, so did strawberry cough and blazing berry. both she got from the dispensary quite awhile ago. It's funny cuz she has purchased quite a few bad strawberry cough meds. lol. The blazing berry WAS bad ass though.
She also has been using tincture every morning and night.
Big red lights spinning around. People yelling show us your hands mother fucker!!!
Another time was, I decided to give you a break this time, $300.
LOL, i should change my screen name if you can do that. I have never had to deal with an LEO, but apparently the acronym aint right :)
From the name and avatar you look like you could be a state trooper with big enough balls to put it right in your title.

Belle called surgery went good. Got all scar tissue removed from crohn's surgery. Slept off hospital dope and is already out of hospital. Few days rest and she should be good.
Great to hear! If she needs anything while she's in town let me know, no compensation needed.

That is very nice of you Huel.
She just called me, her doctor called. So I guess it was some type of herniation. Everything appears benign, it's going to lab. She has to stay at best friends, smoke joints and bullshit for a few days. lmao.
Few weeks, I am gonna go down to D-town for a few procedures myself. lmao.
Hopefully Greektown's security treats me better than Islands. lmao.
So i don't have crohn's that bad but I do have it kinda bad and it has led to depression so now i have to take pills for crohns and depression the depression pills gave me insomnia so i also have to take sleeping pills so my doctor is trying to pretty much drug me but i have be smoking marijuana since i was about 10 i am now 20 and now my doctor wants me to quit marijuana and take more pills just cause she is against it i strongly believe that marijuana is the reason my symptoms have not been to sever all my life. I read this post and it related to me a lot and everyone who commented on it wants to help as much as possible i live in Redmond Oregon and have never really known where i could go to get the help i need so if any one knows any places please let me know it would help so much
So i don't have crohn's that bad but I do have it kinda bad and it has led to depression so now i have to take pills for crohns and depression the depression pills gave me insomnia so i also have to take sleeping pills so my doctor is trying to pretty much drug me but i have be smoking marijuana since i was about 10 i am now 20 and now my doctor wants me to quit marijuana and take more pills just cause she is against it i strongly believe that marijuana is the reason my symptoms have not been to sever all my life. I read this post and it related to me a lot and everyone who commented on it wants to help as much as possible i live in Redmond Oregon and have never really known where i could go to get the help i need so if any one knows any places please let me know it would help so much
It looks like you may be 150 miles away from this guy , but his group teach people how to make MM oil for medication , I would think he could point you in the right direction .
It looks like you may be 150 miles away from this guy , but his group teach people how to make MM oil for medication , I would think he could point you in the right direction .

quoted for truth...Gray wolf and company are hooked up with the entire Oregon medical community and should be able to piont you towards a doctor with you the patient in mind...not the Pharma company

good luck
So i don't have crohn's that bad but I do have it kinda bad and it has led to depression so now i have to take pills for crohns and depression the depression pills gave me insomnia so i also have to take sleeping pills so my doctor is trying to pretty much drug me but i have be smoking marijuana since i was about 10 i am now 20 and now my doctor wants me to quit marijuana and take more pills just cause she is against it i strongly believe that marijuana is the reason my symptoms have not been to sever all my life. I read this post and it related to me a lot and everyone who commented on it wants to help as much as possible i live in Redmond Oregon and have never really known where i could go to get the help i need so if any one knows any places please let me know it would help so much

As mentioned above , there are some people near you that could help at least point you in the right direction .. I highly advise that you sign up at .. I am a member in good standing , tell them I sent you please . Very good people to know there , I wish I lived closer to them all but the web is the only way for me to be apart of the Oregon circle ..

P.s. I think Eloquentsolution would be the person to give you insight and answers and she is an outstanding member of PIF . She knows a lot and is GreyWolf's right hand lady ...
quoted for truth...Gray wolf and company are hooked up with the entire Oregon medical community and should be able to piont you towards a doctor with you the patient in mind...not the Pharma company

good luck
Hi HomeLess , Gray Wolf’s site is cool , he is an old fart like me , year younger I think , glad you sent me his link , he said he would gladly help set up a group thing like they have for MI if someone in MI wanted to go for it , the links Prof posted are nice to , I realized this morning how the “likes “ thing works , ( I’m a little slow ) A school system like that would be good for MI . It would bring the MI MM people into a tighter group .