







Did you post that picture of that gay soldier kissing his husband on his return from duty Carne? That picture stuck in my mind, its beautiful :):):)
Love is a powerful thing, its a feeling that compels us to do things wed never do without it. People have died for love, fought for love, and it has cost many people everything they have. Love makes people take a stand against those who wish to harm the ones they themselves are in love with. It could be a child, a partner, a belief, or anything that one feels strongly enough to sacrifice for. Although love can be irrational and dangerous in many instances, love is and always will be, beautiful.


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I love your pics Carne you're the artist posting orginals, I'm more like a gallery owner who has no talent himself but can recognize it in others.

That is valuable in and of itself. I don't know your curator secrets, and your images wow me. That one with the fly or damselfly covered in dewdrops was fantastic. cn

This is called a Brown Creeper. I have been trying to get a picture of one of these for about two years now. They are fast, tiny and move constantly. Getting a decent photo is almost impossible. I heard a Nuthatch and knew Brown Creepers usually hang out with them so I grabbed my camera and dashed outside. I ran around this tree about 20 times trying to get a picture. I must have looked like a crazy man. Finally. I have a decent picture of the little shit.