Throwing in the Towel...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im hostile against your dirty religions mind tricks and indoctrination of children , you spread fear hate and death across the world throughout history , you prey on young minds , why dont you leave religious teaching untill people are 21 plus ?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
im hostile against your dirty religions mind tricks and indoctrination of children , you spread fear hate and death across the world throughout history , you prey on young minds , why dont you leave religious teaching untill people are 21 plus ?
Depends on who is doing the teaching.

Definitely alot of hateful people out there teaching the wrong things for their own gains.

In my childhood, teachings really didn't go beyond "be good to others and do unto them..." so on. It didn't get more complex than that until into the teenage years.

I don't see anything wrong with teaching the ten commandments to children and telling them to be good to others.

Teaching them to HATE others is not okay. Unfortunately there are parents who do that.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Depends on who is doing the teaching.

Definitely alot of hateful people out there teaching the wrong things for their own gains.

In my childhood, teachings really didn't go beyond "be good to others and do unto them..." so on. It didn't get more complex than that until into the teenage years.

I don't see anything wrong with teaching the ten commandments to children and telling them to be good to others.

Teaching them to HATE others is not okay. Unfortunately there are parents who do that.
i feel you mate , but surely you can teach your kids to be decent people without the need of all the other religious bullshit , i agree that most religions have good positive points but they also have terrible points like stoning your wife to death for adultery, i teech my child to be a decent person without the need of any religious book .

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i feel you mate , but surely you can teach your kids to be decent people without the need of all the other religious bullshit , i agree that most religions have good positive points but they also have terrible points like stoning your wife to death for adultery, i teech my child to be a decent person without the need of any religious book .
There are many things in the old testament that people don't like.

I would never teach those portions of the bible to a child until they were mature enough to contemplate the underlying meaning.

My current belief is that the old testament was to prove how impossible it was for man to be perfect and without fault. That is confirmed in the New testament by Jesus saying "he who is without sin throw the first stone". Of course none of the men or women in the crowd were without sin, so how could they judge?

The most important thing I take away from the old testament, is that even the strong can fall into temptation. And the only one who has any right to judge is God.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
There are many things in the old testament that people don't like.

I would never teach those portions of the bible to a child until they were mature enough to contemplate the underlying meaning.

My current belief is that the old testament was to prove how impossible it was for man to be perfect and without fault. That is confirmed in the New testament by Jesus saying "he who is without sin throw the first stone". Of course none of the men or women in the crowd were without sin, so how could they judge?

The most important thing I take away from the old testament, is that even the strong can fall into temptation. And the only one who has any right to judge is God.
are you sure the old testiment wasnt just changed to coincide with popular belief at that time , just like now , christians need a new version , that dosent hate against gays or ethnic minorities ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
thing is people arent so stupid anymore , a new version of say the bible would be the laughing stock of the world , unlike when the old testiment was changed people back then just aacepted it .


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people are so opposed to religion.

It is not a negative thing unless PEOPLE use it for negative things.
Teaching people to surrender their mind to irrationality and to be satisfied with ignorance is always a dangerous thing, no matter how benign the intentions. Pretending to have answers is lying, and no end justifies the means of lying.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I haven't been to a church in a while. The main people I discuss religion with is my family (parents, aunts/uncles, cousins) and none of them hate minorities.

I don't think I have met anyone who hates minorities for religious reasons.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Teaching people to surrender their mind to irrationality and to be satisfied with ignorance is always a dangerous thing, no matter how benign the intentions. Pretending to have answers is lying, and no end justifies the means of lying.
I agree totally.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I haven't been to a church in a while. The main people I discuss religion with is my family (parents, aunts/uncles, cousins) and none of them hate minorities.

I don't think I have met anyone who hates minorities for religious reasons.
you need to get out more , or live in britain


Well-Known Member
I have had similarly strang dream worlds, I've had a city in the woods I've dreamed of several times, some traumatic loss happened recently and in that dream world a building burnt down. I would assume your subconscious is telling you what you already know, that your unhappy. There is nothing wrong with you and you are not going to hell. Try to find a new goal, possibly physical activity (being active is a great way for the brain to recover from stresses) your mind has latched onto something in your life, everyone has these types of big situations. Maybe learn some musical instruments or something of the sort.

best of luck in sorting this out

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Depends on who is doing the teaching.

Definitely alot of hateful people out there teaching the wrong things for their own gains.

In my childhood, teachings really didn't go beyond "be good to others and do unto them..." so on. It didn't get more complex than that until into the teenage years.

I don't see anything wrong with teaching the ten commandments to children and telling them to be good to others.

Teaching them to HATE others is not okay. Unfortunately there are parents who do that.

"History is full of people who out fear,or ignorrance,or the lust for power,have
destroyed treasures of umeasureable value.Wich truelly belong to all of us.We
MUST not let it happen again"..........Carl Sagan


Click,copy,paste inbetween *'s in your Youtube search bar.

wax imago

Follow ^ the directions on Youtube,and see for yourself the truth on religion.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps when you fail to control your life you lose the privilege of controlling your dreams. You obviously disapprove of your behavior and perhaps confessing to us and to your girl is a way to try to gain a hold over it, which is inadequate. Praying may work so long as your brain perceives it as some measure of control.

The less we feel in control of our own actions the more vulnerable we are to faith aka make-believe. I personally suggest you grab yourself by the balls and take control rather than getting a mouthful of God's load. The struggle you feel is against instinct, which is powerful enough to seem supernatural as it doesn't come from your experience or philosophy, it comes from a part of you that doesn't care about those things.
I think hes onto something. Ive had these types of dreams as well as long stints of just a indescribable unknown weight on my shoulders that really screwed with my head. Things happening like knowing a door is going to be locked before you get to it and being correct or trying to fly but not being able to have happened a lot in my dreams. Shit, I cant even throw a punch in my dreams its terrible my body just gives out. It reoccurs in a lot of dreams Ive had over the past couple of years, so theres been a lot of time to think about it. I think what I have boiled it down to at least for myself would be a fear of failure/loss of control that just locks my head into a mode where you assume the worst. The whole idea of not being able to accomplish a task in a dream comes from the instantaneous subconscious reaction/association that forces you to evaluate whether something is possible or not. Sometimes the way we see the world and our possibilities slants towards one interpretation. Eventually you can say you want to do something all you want in a dream but if conditioned by a negative outlook nothing is going to happen because you really dont believe deep inside it is possible. Any second guessing and your mind knows, so nothing will happen. When things like fear start coming into the equation they are raw feelings that evolution has made very hard to second guess and diminish. If I tried opening a door in a dream especially in a situation where I want to leave quickly the thought "oh its probably locked" automatically pops into my head. The mind travels to the worst possible scenario and if that triggers fear/pain within the dream that worst case scenario plays out right in front of you. If those raw emotions in real life aren't settled then they will really affect your subconscious and your dreams. Hope I made some sort of sense.....

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
i also had dreams of tring to fly just to fall and to punch with little effect so now i dont fly i run on all fours like a wolf and jump like the hulk bracing myself for the landing and now i punch for distraction not for dammage some times you need to aknowledge your strengths and make your weaknesses still work now i might not be able to fly but jumping like the hulk is still funner than walking just my two cents take back control.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
and even though it might not be as easy as i would like it i still manage to succeed in my dream whether it be escape or rescue.


Well-Known Member
Hey ZS, sorry to hear about your dreams, bro. That's some horrible shit.

About a decade ago I had a dream that persisted about 2 months, on and off. It was absolutely terrifying, I was in a house, alone, and there was something; some kind of malevolent presence trying to destroy me, or consume me, or something along those lines. Every time I got to an exit, it was there waiting for me, laughing, without laughing.... I know that sounds bizarre, but it didn't really have a face, or a body; but somehow I just knew it was laughing at me, waiting to kill me. I would wake up, literally paralyzed with fear. Unable to move an inch, I couldn't even open my eyes I was so certain that the presence was in the room with me. I've only ever had one lucid dream in my life, and these dreams were no exception, I was at a complete loss of control and after I woke up I couldn't get back to sleep. My entire life suffered. School, work, relationships, I was terrified to sleep and as a result I had terrible anxiety, and incredibly bad insomnia. It just..... stopped happening. No idea why.

Our minds have very strange ways of coping with things. It could be psychological, but it could be something physical too. Have you started eating anything different? New job, or schedule? Any other major changes in your lifestyle of behavior?

If you start praying and you stop having these dreams, well, I'm sure you've seen the old videos of a native American doing a Rain dance...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Well i just recently moved in with my girlfriend, i've never done that before. Just got a new job, been eating only once or twice a day because of it... lol. I only did the praying thing a couple of days, but i agree with Heis on this one. I can't look to some imaginary place in my mind to give me comfort, i have to deal with it head on.

I had another dream this morning, i was in this white room, somehow i knew it was underground, i looked around and there were no doors, just a pane of glass on one side of the room, as i watched these creatures, about 8-10 of them came stumbling towards the glass, as they got closer they all merged together and came through the glass and this old woman appeared, she was floating and shadows started bursting out of her face, she was screaming, and i heard a voice say "You have to face your inner demons".

It came with the same unbending fear of a night terror, yet less prevalent. I woke up with a voice in my mind saying the same thing.

Ugh... i wish there was an easy way to understand all of this. But i have a life test coming up soon, and it's something i've been worried about as well. There is this girl, one of my good friends coming to see me next week. Shes actually going to see other friends, just so happens that they are in my area. She is super hot, and we both know we want to fuck. But i know what i need to do. I need to go see her, and refuse the urge to fuck her of my own free will. For some reason i think that will help up my resolve and give me a boost of self confidence and courage.

Thank you guys for all of your input, it means so much, this really has been an ongoing struggle. Hopefully this will help.