Am i too late??


Active Member
i would just keep close watch on how much you water them. i dont know about you, but its been a little cold for us so far so im only watering about once every 3-days. because the water is taking for ever to evaporate i want time for the soil to dry so the roots go searching. to much water = poopoo


Well-Known Member
nope just took a while for the morning fog to lift.:)

I just grow them for as long as possible to get the best yield possible.
only grow once a year so i need to grow as much as i need in one go.
That makes perfect sense, as, hopefully, does my envy. Talk about a latitude change! I'm still on Micronesia time a bit, too. Slept in almost til noon, on my first cuppa.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
I planted my widow skunk, and mango 3 weeks ago. So far there doing great. They have about 3 sets of nodes and look really healthy? At this point in time how far along should the plants outdoors be to yield at least 1lb per plant as long as i feed appropriately...etc