Coming to your town soon ...


Well-Known Member
Thats a very disappointing mentality, We. So what you basically said it is Bush's fault no matter what, despite there being no evidence. That is backwards mentality and honestly juvenile.
You guys are supposed to concur and say " YEAH, guilty until proven innocent!! Go get the torture devices ready" *As we all walk towards the white house with our pitch forks and wearing our farmers coveralls.*:mrgreen:




New Member
I guess if I were a Bush bandit like you, I'd be in denial also!
In denile of exactly what, Med?

I can show you countless times the Democrats have blocked energy bills in congress and the senate over the past 30 years. What can you show that indicates the Republicans have blocked any energy bills?

Again ... its no longer the 60's. Time to get the old cabasa out of the the sand. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Personally I have no problem with Drilling for oil domestically. What I have a problem with is speculators who keep investing in oil as a hedge against inflation and driving up the price, which in turn fuels inflation. When the Bottom drops out, there economy will miss the toilet and go strait into the sewer.


New Member
In denile of exactly what, Med?

I can show you countless times the Democrats have blocked energy bills in congress and the senate over the past 30 years. What can you show that indicates the Republicans have blocked any energy bills?

Again ... its no longer the 60's. Time to get the old cabasa out of the the sand. :blsmoke:

What will it take to cure your myopia about the bush white house and the republican controlled senate? 1.20 before Bush 4.00 after and it ain't over yet.


New Member
What will it take to cure your myopia about the bush white house and the republican controlled senate? 1.20 before Bush 4.00 after and it ain't over yet.
The Democrats have been in control of the congress and the senate for over a year now. Gasoline has increased by about 25% since they took over the government.

Unlike you, I'm not blaming them for the spike in prices.

What I AM blaming them for is that they are so controlled by the environmentalist movement, that they haven't allowed any exploration, drilling or refineries to be built ... nor nuclear plants in the past 30 years.

Another area they've blocked is the building of any new dams, so our hydo-electric power is down the shitter too.

It is the fault of the radical environmental movement and their shills in the Democrat Party that is putting our energy situation back into the Dark Ages.

If it were the Republican's fault, I'd say so.

Remember, I've kept saying all along that both parties are nothing more than two rival gangs fighting over the same territory ... with the Democrats being the more dangerous of the two gangs.

Again, Med ... time to wake up. :sleep:




Well-Known Member
The Democrats have been in control of the congress and the senate for over a year now. Gasoline has increased by about 25% since they took over the government.

Unlike you, I'm not blaming them for the spike in prices.

What I AM blaming them for is that they are so controlled by the environmentalist movement, that they haven't allowed any exploration, drilling or refineries to be built ... nor nuclear plants in the past 30 years.

Another area they've blocked is the building of any new dams, so our hydo-electric power is down the shitter too.

It is the fault of the radical environmental movement and their shills in the Democrat Party that is putting our energy situation back into the Dark Ages.

If it were the Republican's fault, I'd say so.

Remember, I've kept saying all along that both parties are nothing more than two rival gangs fighting over the same territory ... with the Democrats being the more dangerous of the two gangs.

Again, Med ... time to wake up. :sleep:


there using the environment to their advantage trying to control us with it


New Member
The Democrats have been in control of the congress and the senate for over a year now. Gasoline has increased by about 25% since they took over the government.

Unlike you, I'm not blaming them for the spike in prices.

What I AM blaming them for is that they are so controlled by the environmentalist movement, that they haven't allowed any exploration, drilling or refineries to be built ... nor nuclear plants in the past 30 years.

Another area they've blocked is the building of any new dams, so our hydo-electric power is down the shitter too.

It is the fault of the radical environmental movement and their shills in the Democrat Party that is putting our energy situation back into the Dark Ages.

If it were the Republican's fault, I'd say so.

Remember, I've kept saying all along that both parties are nothing more than two rival gangs fighting over the same territory ... with the Democrats being the more dangerous of the two gangs.

Again, Med ... time to wake up. :sleep:


Before Bush 1.20 after bush 4.00. The referance to the repukes and the control factor is that it takes 60 votes to pass a bill and the repukes block every try by the dems. capiche? I realize you want no government controls, especially on your income.


New Member
You guys are clueless. Ask Ron Paul; he'll tell you that inflation is the reason for the rise, in everything, including oil. If we want cheap oil, we need to stop letting the man spend all our money on war.


Well-Known Member
Anyone think the gov't check that GWB sent us was worth it? ~LOL~ Haha, He wrote us a check for {enter the amount that he gave you here}, but we have had had to pay {enter copious amount of money that you have spent on gas, diesel, heating oil, inflated price on everything that has gone up because of crude oil}...

George W Bush- "If you vote for me I'll send you a 200 dollar check, trust me I'm a Christian man" What a load of crap.

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New Member
Anyone think the gov't check that GWB sent us was worth it? ~LOL~ Haha, He wrote us a check for {enter the amount that he gave you here}, but we have had had to pay {enter copious amount of money that you have spent on gas, diesel, heating oil, inflated price on everything that has gone up because of crude oil}...

"If you vote for me I'll send you a 200 dollar check, trust me I'm a Christian man" What a load of crap.

Not only that WE, but we'll have to pay it back!!!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think that it is frustrating that an honest discussion about fuel costs/alternatives turns into a bitch fest? I read the political posts daily but I'm really getting sick of people who turn every issue into "Bush is the devil" and "liberals are the problem"... Even if that is true, is that even the topic of this post???

I've read a lot of interesting stuff on these political forums, but damn, I just don't want to hear it anymore.


Well-Known Member
You guys are clueless. Ask Ron Paul; he'll tell you that inflation is the reason for the rise, in everything, including oil. If we want cheap oil, we need to stop letting the man spend all our money on war.
Apparently, our dollar would go up if we didn't spend so much on keeping our empire(military bases) in 70% of the countries. I'm pretty sure the more we borrow from the Chinese the more our dollar turns to shyt.



New Member
Does anyone else think that it is frustrating that an honest discussion about fuel costs/alternatives turns into a bitch fest? I read the political posts daily but I'm really getting sick of people who turn every issue into "Bush is the devil" and "liberals are the problem"... Even if that is true, is that even the topic of this post???

I've read a lot of interesting stuff on these political forums, but damn, I just don't want to hear it anymore.
Tune out..............Simple fix.


New Member
You guys are clueless. Ask Ron Paul; he'll tell you that inflation is the reason for the rise, in everything, including oil. If we want cheap oil, we need to stop letting the man spend all our money on war.

That's an understatement, but true..................


New Member
You should be a convert MM:-P, you know you love the guy ;-)... But I know how headstrong you are, so I'm just wasting my time typing:shock:... hehe


Look WE, I like some of his agenda but not all of it. I really don't think there is a perfect candidate for everyone, maybe Jesus Christ, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to run. Most on this site are impressed with his let pot smokers alone policies, that is fine.. But not enough to be president. He has some startling things he would like to do, like privatize SS, medicare, and do away with most social programs. That let the charities thing never works. There will be millions of homeless starving beggars on the streets with foriegn labor doing all the work. Think about it!