Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Alright time to get my algebra on. See you on the other side, possibly clean shaven....
half bearddddd!!!

[video=youtube;lde91njylYo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lde91njylYo&feature=share&list=PLD73A47614 BF4D1D9[/video]


Well-Known Member
My old boss used to call a guy on our crew half beard because he coulnt grow a full one. It was so funny when he used to do infront of the site foreman. Id bust out laughing all the time, so embarassing lol :):):)


Staff member
my boots broke and i lost the zipper,, anyone know how to fix it? like the zipper is gone?...lol


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who thinks cursive writing is hard as fuck to read? Like, I'm not an idiot, but honestly.....

It seems like every time I get written feedback on assignments from a professor it's in cursive, and I can never read a god damn thing they're saying. And birthday cards from my grandma? Fucking forget about it.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who thinks cursive writing is hard as fuck to read? Like, I'm not an idiot, but honestly.....

It seems like every time I get written feedback on assignments from a professor it's in cursive, and I can never read a god damn thing they're saying. And birthday cards from my grandma? Fucking forget about it.
Do they even teach it in school anymore?