Sharing ?!?

Because you use your expert and advocate title and shiva religion as your bread and butter, but you constantly come up short in paying tribute to any of these, in fact your life runs quite contrary to what you claim and preach! You are a liar and you have no business trying to teach anyone anything at anytime! Your whole life is a lie! If you truly were an advocate you would have read the fuck out of all the laws pertaining to cannabis, especially if you are supposed to be here for help, as you so claim! But you recommend rioting? That really says a lot about you! How can we defend cannabis, if we make ourselves look stupid to those who oppose! Brighten up kid and most importantly find your place in this world without lying about who you are! Check-mate

he also says to steal from walmart and had to sell his 1000 watter that his mommy bought him so he could afford more milk for his plants.

we need to bump his threads more often so he can collect more spam checks.
Because you use your expert and advocate title and shiva religion as your bread and butter, but you constantly come up short in paying tribute to any of these, in fact your life runs quite contrary to what you claim and preach! You are a liar and you have no business trying to teach anyone anything at anytime! Your whole life is a lie! If you truly were an advocate you would have read the fuck out of all the laws pertaining to cannabis, especially if you are supposed to be here for help, as you so claim! But you recommend rioting? That really says a lot about you! How can we defend cannabis, if we make ourselves look stupid to those who oppose! Brighten up kid and most importantly find your place in this world without lying about who you are! Check-mate
im all for advocacy of pot and am one but reading laws for fucking nothing. fuck that. use your mind that would be used for better. half the pot shit i read doesnt have anything to do with me living yet i act like finding the next piece to fixing a problem in the garden its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
im all for advocacy of pot and am one but reading laws for fucking nothing. fuck that. use your mind that would be used for better. half the pot shit i read doesnt have anything to do with me living yet i act like finding the next piece to fixing a problem in the garden its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
What? I understood maybe 1/8 of that!
he also says to steal from walmart and had to sell his 1000 watter that his mommy bought him so he could afford more milk for his plants.

we need to bump his threads more often so he can collect more spam checks.
We should just create a thread full of all his lies And contradictions!
Finshaggy - I have to hand it to you good sir, you must have one heck of a thick skin. I for one would never walk into a Taliban stronghold with a "woman are as good as men" t-shirt on, a bible in one hand, and an American flag in the other. Yet from what I have seen so far in my short time here at RIU you do that every day. Kudos to you. Thank goodness it's just a forum and all you get is a little beratement and the folks here can't chop your head off in a seedy video, in front of propaganda writing, all the while chanting "Allah Pot Bar".
Wow! So you basically are saying you don't know shit? But you fantasy tinker bell fairy dust pretend you do?
For real? This moron is still on here trying to pass on info? Nobody tapped their zipper Fin so quit talking, you know when your supposed to open your mouth and it aint for spewing bullshit on here. The best part of this fucking moron ran down his fathers leg from his asshole when his uncle ass fucked him. You fin are a fucking terd that seems to keep floating after being flushed.