you see the old man grower and the red headed grower turned the young guy that got his dispensary raided away because they dont like cheatin people and they would rather sell for cheap directly to the patient...greedy ass people
they talk a good game, but let me see you, or pretty much any of the other people who get their weed from a dispensary, go up to norcal and buy their bud directly from e.b... you'd get shot driving up to their property, then they'd lol at you for never hearing of you before, and wtf are you doing rolling up on them.. good luck buying anything from them...
and i lol at people who bitch about disp.. you've all had it so good for so long you forget what it is like in the rest of the country.. i'd kill to be able to walk in to a place and have say, idk, 30 top grade buds to pick from, not to mention bubble this, shadder that, and throw in a few cookies while you're at it..
and i still pay way more than that per ounce, and you're lucky to know a name unless of course someone just slapped something onto it..
come on over to the rest of the country and see how they live, then go back to your high horses please.. and thank you..