The Car Talk Thread


bud bootlegger
View attachment 2557108
Ok boys, its been fun. Ill leave you with the baddest automobile ever made. I call it 'shredder'.
really?? the bm? did that thing even win a race?? i'm thinking it didn't.... :(

come on, as much as i hate the team, everyone knows the baddest car ever was the mp4-4-2.. driven of course by senna and prost, better then bat man and robin imvho.. :D

and second to that would be the ferrari of the great msc, the f2002


Active Member
You're right. I admit it freely. Senna's McLaren was nuts. Totally badass. Baddest car ever.

But MSC's Ferrari... Meh. Traction control kills me. Id go with a later ferrari like the F2008, the one McLaren got fined $100 Mil for copying... Yeeeah brother.


bud bootlegger
You're right. I admit it freely. Senna's McLaren was nuts. Totally badass. Baddest car ever.

But MSC's Ferrari... Meh. Traction control kills me. Id go with a later ferrari like the F2008, the one McLaren got fined $100 Mil for copying... Yeeeah brother.
i have always hated mclaren.. for liking a lot of british stuff, tv and such, i tend to not mclaren and ron dennis very much..

and i''ll always love schumacher.. yeah, he's dirty and will cut your throat to win, but i like that about him.. all he cares about is winning, and will do w/e it takes to do so, i can respect that..


Active Member
Lol no but or remember watching it last season... He said afterwards that the year before he had to use the same exit and the gate at the end of the road was open.... lol .... sucks