1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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well i have lots of pics...will get to posting them soon. plants are good. May have to move everything before this crop is done :( so tired of not having a stable place to grow.........
Matt to answer your question about the camper heater, I used the whole heater but it’s not that big 6 inches thick, 16 inches high and 10 inches wide, those are rough guesses on measurements. Your amazon link of the pilot light slash thermocouple drop in replacement would not work alone because you would still need the control valve or control module. Any propane stove with an oven has all the working parts but I chose the camper furnace because it was free and compact,neat, and tidy.


Your bucket system should have been a black bucket, light is bad, bad, you’re going to have a hard time to stop growth in the res if you supplying perfect conditions for it to thrive in. Keep the temps down and rap the bucket to keep the light out, the aluminium duct tape is a great idea; I always have 2 or 3 rolls of it on hand. Your black grow bags will work as well.

I built a speed controller last month for a second fan. I took a small wet location light box, drilled a hole in the side, put a fan speed controller switch inside, wired the switch to the electrical outlet plug, and installed it in the box, slapped on the cover. I wired the box with a plug so I can plug it into the wall, then I pluged in the fan and I’m able to slow down the fan with the dial on the side of the box.



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i understand everyones concern about my bucket not being light proof but well....i am not seeign a issue....

my BBG is growing at extremely rapid rates and the root systems is incredible....

I think the point regarding the light leakage is that it can lead to a build up of the brown slime... which is really cyanobacteria which are phototrophs... cut down on the light.. cut down on the brown slime.
i understand everyones concern about my bucket not being light proof but well....i am not seeign a issue....

my BBG is growing at extremely rapid rates and the root systems is incredible....

Oh I thought you said you had a slight slime problem. I have been at work for two weeks straight and have the next three days off, thank god because I feel a little burnt out right now, 15 hour days suck. So when I was c tching up on your thread I thought you had a slime problem. Light and temps will cause this, but if your problem is solved good for you.

H2O2 in res will work but it would be a last resort for me. I have used it but you’re not only killing the bad but your also killing the good beneficial microbes in the res. That will have the bad stronger thriving slime return quicker than the good microbes weakening the plants defence system. Fix the light leaks, temps and you will not need any H2O2.

And the PH of the res should be allowed to drift a bit. I mix the old lady’s 30 gal res using General Hydroponics nutes and PH to 5.6 to5.7. Once the buffers are wore off, usually the next day and the new nutes mix with the flush water that was left behind in the Ebb and Flow bucket system, the PH is somewhere around 6 to 6.2, I then PH down to 5.8. For the rest of the week, the PH stays at 6 all on its own, I think the plants set the PH to where they like it by themselves. Study your PH readings and make sure you’re not fighting your plant.

Just my opinion Matt

I think the point regarding the light leakage is that it can lead to a build up of the brown slime... which is really cyanobacteria which are phototrophs... cut down on the light.. cut down on the brown slime.

Alright. Have been busy as hell lately and havent had much time for sitting and uploading pics.

the garden is going great, everything is starting to bud. I am considering Sunday March 3rd day one of flowering cycle. April 28th will be my expected harvest date.

the DWC unit is going great, despite popular belief i dont really have a slime "problem" just seems to be getting a little bit of brown sludge built up on the roots. I will be light proofing the next DWC bucket i build before i start a plant in it but this one is going to ride it out. I realize it would be better to light proof it but i dont really have any materials to do it right.

my tomato plant that was bonked on the head and snapped its neck seems to be doing well. 3 days and it is not wilted or anything so im thinking within a few more days i can remove the tape and should be healed up nicely.

heres my veggies


everything is doing well, alot of clones turned yellow but are now getting thier green back. some clones are really growing nicely and some are taking a bit longer than others. this weekend ill be heading over and keeping 1 of each strain (for now) and giving the other clones away. then as buds start to set in in the flower room ill be able to pick which strain i am going to keep around to run with the fruity chronic and start a new batch...

sorry if some of these pics i put up already. will be doing the individual strain photo shoot in a different post..

heres some pics of the flowering room, i managed to put my fan on a seperate breaker so now i have my light running at 100% again.


as you can see in the second to last pic i have a visitor, also found a small spider on one of my pots...benificial critters are always welcome to squat in my grow room :)

the cosmo's (3rd pic) ended up going, my other plants were just growing too fast for them to keep up, ended up transplanting them and giving them away to some friends whom will keep them as house plants.

strain pics coming up in next post!!
I fed yesterday with a full dose of bloom and a 1/2 dose of grow formula, also added in some CaMg as i dont normally use it but i figure it cant hurt and prob wont use it again on these plants unless they ask for it.

Ok heres the part everyone wants to see....

first up will be fruity chronic juice plants, theres 4 in total. they seem to have taken well to being transplanted into the fabric pots even though i had to cut off about 4 inches of soil and riits on the bottom to get them to fit into the fabric pots from the grow bags....i did this to i think 4-5 plants and they all have recovered with what seems to be minimal stress.









White Lavender. seems to be growing well, nice n green no complaints here.


Blue OG. also doing well. not much to look at right now, but none of them really are


Critical Kush


White Widow x Big Bud...tried to get some pics of the "knuckles" this plant has grown....hoping that this is in relation to the size of the buds that will be produced..


Kandy Kush, this thing is a rugged little plant. check out the stem....


blueberry gum......monster...this is my favorite plant i think....


and heres some pics of the bagseed plants that i have running


and thats all for today, hope you guys enjoy.
You act like we are making things up or something. We are only trying to help you.

Good luck with everything.

You act like we are making things up or something. We are only trying to help you.

Good luck with everything.


not sure why you say this....i never said anyone was making anything up.....

i siad i agree that light proofing my DWC bucket is probabally the best idea but i probabally wont be able to do it untill a later date. I said the slime is not a "problem" as of right now, its not growing at redicules rates and theres just a couple of specs on the root mass.

if i can find something to light proof the bucket i will but i am out of funds right now and cant really think of anything that will work 100%.....

anyways sorry if you feel that way...best of luck to you as well
I think Jiggy was just referring to the:

  • the DWC unit is going great, despite popular belief i dont really have a slime "problem" just seems to be getting a little bit of brown sludge built up on the roots.​

might of come of as maybe facetious, even if that wasn't how it was meant...I took it sort of the same way too initially.

Anyway Garden is looking great Matt.. love the little ladybug.. How long have you been flipped in the flower room?
Thats a amazing S.O.G. man, and your a gent....

thanks Chief...hope i can be chiefing with ya soon m8

I think Jiggy was just referring to the:

  • the DWC unit is going great, despite popular belief i dont really have a slime "problem" just seems to be getting a little bit of brown sludge built up on the roots.​

might of come of as maybe facetious, even if that wasn't how it was meant...I took it sort of the same way too initially.

Anyway Garden is looking great Matt.. love the little ladybug.. How long have you been flipped in the flower room?

yeah it wasnt meant that way, i was the one who brought it up as a problem but then seemed to correct it for the most part by keeping temps down and rez changing every week. figure if anything the small amounts of slime is keeping me on my toes with my rez changes :)

so again sorry if anyone took that the wrong way, i appreciate everyones advice and input as always. I have alot going on right now and money is out of the equation. i have some cheap ass duct tape i have been thinking about wrapping around the bucket a couple times but i dont really think thats the best way to do it..anyways maybe ill suprise you guys and next pics will be light proofed...

Are there any charts that have NPK intake of an average plant throughout its life?

no idea ninja but my guess would be no. as we all know some strains take in less nutrients than others so it would be difficult to give a accurate "chart" on nutrient uptake of all Mj plants.

does this make sense? or am i just a fool LOL
Everything looks great Matt and I must say you have a greenthumb.

I think Jiggy was just referring to the:

  • the DWC unit is going great, despite popular belief i dont really have a slime "problem" just seems to be getting a little bit of brown sludge built up on the roots.​

might of come of as maybe facetious, even if that wasn't how it was meant...I took it sort of the same way too initially.

Anyway Garden is looking great Matt.. love the little ladybug.. How long have you been flipped in the flower room?

I too felt you were a little fickle about the whole thing, but this is the Internet and EVERYBODY is misunderstood once in a while, that’s the story of my life, internet or not. No offence taken and I hope none given.

I want to show you a couple of pictures just for shits and giggles. The first is a “T” that was used in the Ebb & Flow. As you can see on the ends where the yellow pipe was blocking light it is clear and in the center where the light could shine on the fitting, there is a green slime. This slime smells really bad, almost like root rot. The second picture is a shot of the green slime.


As far as light proofing your bucket goes, tinfoil, black garbage bags, those old grow bags you have, black white poly, a piece of cloth or that aluminum tape I mention earlier. Anybody with ventilation should have this stuff readily available.


Don’t misunderstand me Matt with my posts. I have only been sharing my experiences, shooting the shit, and learning from you and your grow Journal as well. I hope I haven’t been irritating about the subject. The other night when I posted on you journal I was exhausted so I'm sorry if then and now,if you may feel I have “over played” the subject.

its fine man i dont get butt hurt on shit...i didnt feel anyone was overplaying anything and i totally understand peoples concerns with it as your trying to look out for the best of my grow and i appreciate that. the green stuff in your T is algea and it probabaly smells bad because it is in fact rotting without proper water flow going through it. generally algea dosent have a rotting smell but more of a earthy/green smell.

im going to take care fo the bucket so that you guys are all happy with me :) and we can move foward. this will solve any issues...i just dont have the means to really purchase anything but i have some cheap ole ductape and some of them grow bags kicking around. its time for a rez change anyways so ill do it when i empty the bucket to make it easier.

i really do appreciate you guys concerns, and i know sometimes people can be read wrong on the internet. i think this is what has happened.

I am a verry laid back grower, i dont over think and i dont over worry. i take things as they come and i am also not retarded. I am pretty sure i would know if the brown slime was causing issues with the plant...and i dont mean that to sound negative towards anyone.

i understand that having brown slime growing on your roots can and will lead to problems if not taken care of. as i stated before my remedy was to just give the roots a good washing when i changed the rez and to change the rez more frequently.

now i undestand that this is not everyones approach, it was mine. i never said anyone was lying or making anything up, i simply said that me, personally didnt feel like it was a problem, like i said im verry laid back and recognize serious issues when they arise and shrug off issues that i feel are not serious.

if i were to take every tiny problem with growin like it was the death of my plants i feel it would be...i have discolored leaves everywhere, yellowing, dead leaves......its all part of growing...

anyways, thats how i am. sorry if everyone took it as i thought they were lying..i didnt. i just took the problem with a grain of salt like i do everything else. had nothing to do with anyones credibility, just my own way of dealing with things..

i still do feel like its really not a huge issue as long as i keep the roots cleaned on a weekly basis and thouroughly clean my rez. but in lite of all this i will work on making the bucket light proof, it shouldnt take but a couple min and it will give peace of mind.
the jungle looks great matt. cant wait to see the buds on that blue og, and all the other ones of course.
Looks good matt! I wanna play with a DWC! .... I actually think I am going to get stuff to do a couple outdoors with tomatoes and peppers.