Random Jibber Jabber Thread

If you looking for happiness examples in the 90's I'll give you one. 95 cent gas.

hell yeah dude, I remember my parents freaking out when it went over a dollar. My dad always used to talk about my grandfather freaking out about when it was 20 cents too lol, we used to own a garage/gas station and we barely broke even because we were nice to everyone and never ripped people off. When it hit 20 cents apparently it hurt us even more. I wonder what he thinks about it getting to almost 4 dollars now..

edit: that's debatable rb, I love some of it no doubt, but I'm more a fan of big band and swing and jazz just because of my music history
Ya. Plus all the awesome music happened in the 90's.
I didn't make it to the one in '94 like friends did but I did make it to woodstock '99. I had a helluva good time, I was making money off of water and handing it out for free whenever I saw a girl topless. Ended up peaking hard on boomers and traded about 2 grams of dank for a pepsi to some hippy in an rv. Dude said I could come back whenever I was thirsty that weekend after I threw down my barter for his pepsi.
Sounds like a good time, can I come? Havent been to a zoo in years lol

Pfft tell them they are attending, attending the zoo!
DUDE! My ex's child support was lowered to a whopping $15 a month. Are you friggin serious, Judge? He's NEVER been ordered to pay more than $50 a month (TOTAL) and he never even paid that! He could go all year without paying it and only owe $600. And he did go years and years without paying it, and never once got his license taken away. $15 a month. 15 fucking dollars a month. Why even bother? It's not worth the minimum wage we pay our state workers to track him down and take it from his paycheck...
I.E. thanks for showing up so we can be paid, don't really care if you learned anything necklace.

Attendance does have a direct correlation to performance and retention in elementary school. Whatever keeps them interested, I say. If it's a cheap charm necklace, hey, good for them for thinking of it then.
Sure, I'll introduce you to the hot girl at the gift shop.
Sure, I'll introduce you to the hot girl at the gift shop.

Fuck yeah dude! Alright I'm on my way. No way I'll miss a zoo AND a hot girl at the gift shop, but hey we have rb too so the girl at the gift shop isn't necissary lol. You can come to the zoo with us while the kids are at school rb!
From the sound of it, it could have been worse. You could have married him and ended up paying him alimony.

180 bucks a year? Who said kids were expensive?