7x11 2000watts dank.


Active Member
looks good bro a nice lil low key room not bad you ever try droping the lights a lil more they look high in the air from the pic i also see the DWC buckets nice


Well-Known Member
image.jpgI cant drop em right now cause the top of the canopy is at 86 already, i know im slackin, my backs fd right now but i need to change the ducting to run through the lights and hook up the filter to the lights. As soon as im better ill rock that shit out. Im still getting great results with them up high like that, this was one of my last ones....ive read that it doesnt matter how close the lights are (in a reputable book) but others insist on the lights being close. Ill see soon ;) tests will be done. I love tinkering with my plants :):):) see, no prob with that yield baaahahahahaaa 3l 1.6oz wet, one plant ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone i got some what of a update today. Sorry to leave everyone hanging, i see some of the regulars to this post have keep it going tho. thats cool much love ninja! And to the few newbs to our thread... Welcome!! Any way guys sorry to be gone for so long im working 6 days a week now so its hard to get home and do all the work and then still have to post pics and reply to everyone and then still have family time. im sure yall understand tho! we just pulled 2 green poisens thats whats in the jar box in the pics we got 5 more coming out in the next 2-3 weeks depending on the scope !



Well-Known Member
Thought i would add some more pics tonight. all of flower tho. pics of veg tomorrow.? who knows lol 1362789458732.jpg1362789839833.jpg1362789858711.jpg1362789873845.jpg1362789958637.jpg1362790150231.jpgCAM00227.jpg


Active Member
2013-03-08_19-55-55_129.jpg2013-03-08_19-56-05_341.jpg2013-03-08_19-56-11_703.jpg2013-03-08_20-03-40_682.jpg2013-03-08_20-05-19_555.jpgand heres the rest of my ladies in veg pics 1,2, and 3 just went into dark for 36 hrs to get ready for flowering so those other 5 will be in flowering on sunday than the rest veg for nother week pic 4 and 5


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents. I don't think that the dark period b4 flower does anything but stress the plant out. def not necessary. Only reason i say that is cuz it dont happen in nature. i like to keep things as simple as i can. but what you can do is add bud ign from advanced that shit rocks !! really kicks them into over drive early!! over all tho man looks good keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Ever tried b'cuzz bloom stimulator? I got some on the way, ive only talked to one person who uses it, he says its great :):):)