what am i doing wrong????


hey everyone so i had my first gorilla grow last year and loved every minute of it. this year i planned to start some plants off early and make some clones off them. i grew them under some shop lights, and everything was good plants really healthy and good amount of branches for clones. im running them on a 24 light cycle but problem is a few of them are showing pollen packs and white hairs!!!!! why are my plants showing sex under 24 light? what did i fuck up? the lights?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone so i had my first gorilla grow last year and loved every minute of it. this year i planned to start some plants off early and make some clones off them. i grew them under some shop lights, and everything was good plants really healthy and good amount of branches for clones. im running them on a 24 light cycle but problem is a few of them are showing pollen packs and white hairs!!!!! why are my plants showing sex under 24 light? what did i fuck up? the lights?
you didn't fuck anything up, they just decided to show off their genitals is all.

i've not really seen it before, but it doesn't sound unheard of.


Well-Known Member
Sexually mature, especially if they are clones....after a while, a plant will show sex. Hardly anybody veg's that long so its not real common to hear about it when ppl only veg for 2 to 4 weeks. They are preflowers....


Ok cool that's a relief. so is it ok to take clones from these plants or are they just gonna keep going straight into flower? thanks for the fast replies


Well-Known Member
It's not unheard of. I actually got the scoop on this very thing last night.
The Old Timer who is throwing me a bone from time to time, was telling me how to sex a plant last night. The pre-flowers, look kinda like a spur in the crook of a node will show "hair-like" structures. If the "hairs" point away from each other, male. If the "hairs" cross or point towards each other, female.


Active Member
It's not unheard of. I actually got the scoop on this very thing last night.
The Old Timer who is throwing me a bone from time to time, was telling me how to sex a plant last night. The pre-flowers, look kinda like a spur in the crook of a node will show "hair-like" structures. If the "hairs" point away from each other, male. If the "hairs" cross or point towards each other, female.
Was he on his medication when he told you this?


Well-Known Member
Was he on his medication when he told you this?
Can't tell you for sure, but he did have his aluminum foil hat on.

If he didn't kill my girls last night, he is going to show me this trick when they get old enough.