Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Some more randomness

Remember these?

Paracord Survival Bracelet ..8ft worth

Some light reading for the kids before bed




Maybe your back is sore....or just too lazy

Mr Hanky fan are you?

Umm ok?

Got Milk?

For those who have a hard time waking up

Fundies??....more like argument waiting to happen
this morning i was up before sunrise to take the dog out.... and i noticed that there must be something VERY wrong with the grow down the street (which i would never have suspected was a grow until this morning). i smelled it first, and then i noticed that i could hear his (probably) exhaust from the street--i'm thinking he must have something stuck in his squirrel-cage, or his room's flooded and his carbon filter got wet or something? the neighbourhood's pretty quiet at dawn and i take the dog out around the same time everyday and i've never smelled/heard anything before; i only have a nodding acquaintance with said neighbour but i SO badly wanted to bang on his door and bring it to his attention. BUT it was 6:30am and i didn't want to blow my own cover as a straight-and-narrow preschooler mom so i just kept on walking.

now i feel kinda bad, because i'm pretty sure he'd've appreciated being dragged out of bed to be told that there was something wrong with his exhaust before the morning rush started to bustle.

stupid prohibition. :cuss:
i need to have sites blocked from my computer, UGH i want so much stuff i cannot afford :( i need a sugar daddy
hubbies are (sometimes) good for that. :lol:

i, too, need to find a way to get myself banned from ebay.
i aint married! lol hehehe, yeah theres too much want :( i can hear my credit card calling out to me from my wallet

...sunniiiiii useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemeeeee, you know you wantttttttttttt toooooooo
i aint married! lol hehehe, yeah theres too much want :( i can hear my credit card calling out to me from my wallet

...sunniiiiii useeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemeeeee, you know you wantttttttttttt toooooooo

or you could jedi-mindtrick the fuzzy panda.

seeeeeeeefoooouuuuurrr these ARE the ____________ sunni waaaaaannnnntttsss
Not the greatest pic but it was the best I could get.

All Eagles.


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