do u eat bugers?


Well-Known Member
eatin snot is fuckin disgusting ........i know a lad who used to have a bogey patch on the wall next to his bed ....he lay there pickin his nose and stickin em on this patch of wall.
LOL I just eat them. My one friend does that and that is just fucking disgusting! I pick them, then chew em', eat em', then wash my fucking finger!!! I hate germs, but love boogers. Go figure!


Well-Known Member
lol when you have the can you have a favorite? when you have the munchies EVERYTHING is good haha


Well-Known Member
lol when you have the can you have a favorite? when you have the munchies EVERYTHING is good haha
LOL everyone has a favorite food when they are high, but it is true that everything tastes 10 times better! I personally love Cheese Steaks when I'm ripped as fuck. :)


Active Member
Yeah I prefer carbs cuz they fill me up the fastest. Huge-ass bowls of cereal are the best :) Proteins and fats don't seem to fill you up the same way


Well-Known Member
Man. i like fucking everything. Frootloop(basicly any cereal) everything looks WONDERFUL...i watch the tv and the commercial comes on i have to get in my car and go to wal-mart....- has anyone ever walked down the food isels at wal-mart high as fuck? ITS will buy everything or end up stealing


Well-Known Member
A Booger Patch On The Wall? That's Pretty Gross I Don't Know If I Could Hang With Someone Who Lays On His Bed Flicking Boogers On The Walls Sure As Hell Wouldn't Go In His Room Or His House For That Matter He's Probably Got Toe Nail Clippings All Over The Floor!!!


Active Member
eatin snot is fuckin disgusting ........i know a lad who used to have a bogey patch on the wall next to his bed ....he lay there pickin his nose and stickin em on this patch of wall.
haha, when i was younger i had a friend do that. we made a friend of our's lick it for a cigarette. haha, what an asshole. XD


Well-Known Member
roll roll roll a joint, twist it at the end... take a puff, thats enough... Pass it to a friend! Oh and yea... Nassy booger eaters...:spew:


Well-Known Member
I was high when i made this thread...and while i was typing it i was laughing. was a joke i didnt think there were people here eating boogers and shit. you people need a higher power...(what ever your religion)...:D


Im so high I am here to say I am listing to Kickapoo and its awesome eat popsicles cuz they are less food for more time