FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm hiding behind something that JUST got brought up. :lol: :lol: You don't dictate what happens in these videos, you're just a thread bumping slave.
no findo u should read back .......we been askin u to turn that light off since u turned it dont want us to c how bad they look ........

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I never said anything about the plant, I'm talking about this bulb that has so much electricity going through it, it hums. I don't like the idea of switching it on and off, dumb ass. Learn to read.
Can you at least take the plants out of the closet for a quick video then, that way we can see just how yellow and brown they are under normal lighting conditions.


Active Member
how bout an update without the hps

lol I doubt this will happen.

He could at least pull out a plant or two that are the originals (not the clones) if he really wanted to document his grow for this thread

If I were not so convinced that he would lie about his final harvest weight I would say we should take bets


Active Member
Plant Condoms [video=youtube;nsyTa9r8I94][/video]
Nice way to collect pollen. If I may make a suggestion... if you cut the top corner of the bag while it's on the flower, condensation is less likely to collect in the bag and pinch off the pollen sacks in the areas that you won't collect from. Also, the video looks a lot nicer without the HPS running. If you turn off the HPS but leave other lights on, the plants aren't phazed for the short while that happens.


Well-Known Member
Everything you do to your plants should give you that same feeling.
Should. But I wasn't fed bullshit when I started growing, I was taught that this shit grows like a weed and contains miraculous alkaloids. I studied it, as well as other plants that contain miraculous alkaloids, and now I am showing everyone how it used to be done. Before we thought genetics were all that mattered, before we even knew genetics mattered. But I'm doing it with good genetics, so I'm gonna get some bomb ass dank dank. :p
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