Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member

You're just green with envy.
These statements have no meaning. Do you disagree with the points raised in the clip? Why? Do you feel 'that's just the way it is'? Do you feel that it's OK and nobody should do anything about it?

Trust me, I'm not envious of wealthy people, it doesn't have anything to do with that and assuming it does deflects the actual issue, what's right and fair. How can middle class wages increasing 6%-7% since the 1970's and upper class wages increasing 300% be right or fair to anyone?


Well-Known Member
Well, while you keep entertaining yourself by speaking in meaningless metaphors, maybe someone else will chime in with an actual opinion

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's not a metaphor, it's the truth. Poker is too hard. It doesn't favor the player as much as you want. It's unfair. Those casinos are part of the problem. The disparity between the house and player is unacceptable. We need government to step in to even the playing field. Corrupt bastards.


Well-Known Member
It's not a metaphor, it's the truth. Poker is too hard. It doesn't favor the player as much as you want. It's unfair. Those casinos are part of the problem. The disparity between the house and player is unacceptable. We need government to step in to even the playing field. Corrupt bastards.
It's not the truth because American economic policy doesn't depend on a gamble.

Casinos are businesses meant to turn a profit. The US government isn't.

From what I can gather from this thread, you seem to believe that if you can cheat the house, all is good, as long as you get away with it, even though that isn't how the house is supposed to conduct business. Anyone who complains about loaded dice or counting cards is rounded up and ejected from the building.

The way you, and people like you, conduct business is immoral, inhumane, against equal rights and against freedom. You're simply in it for you, for whatever you can make and walk away with, and you feel that's the American dream! There are so many slick, slimy fucks like you out there it turns good people bad. Makes good, honest people think the system is out to get them, and you prove them right with every day you wake up. You can cheat the system, fuck it, as long as you make it out on top! You think the system has failed you? You're an idiot who is too stupid or who has failed too many times at conning honest, hardworking people to get to the top. So fuck you!

Honestly, dude.. from your history on this forum, my impression of you is that you're a terrible person, only interested in securing your own future, not concerned with anyone but yourself. If someone has found a way to screw over 60% of the rest of the country, it's because he was smart enough to do it! This is someone we should look up to according to you and your philosophy.


Well-Known Member
These statements have no meaning. Do you disagree with the points raised in the clip? Why? Do you feel 'that's just the way it is'? Do you feel that it's OK and nobody should do anything about it?

Trust me, I'm not envious of wealthy people, it doesn't have anything to do with that and assuming it does deflects the actual issue, what's right and fair. How can middle class wages increasing 6%-7% since the 1970's and upper class wages increasing 300% be right or fair to anyone?
Apples and Oranges Pad. Come on if you make it you should be able to keep it Period! Isn't that one of the reasons we left the UK to form America.


Well-Known Member
Apples and Oranges Pad. Come on if you make it you should be able to keep it Period! Isn't that one of the reasons we left the UK to form America.
Not if you make it because you figured out a way to ensure you keep 95% of the profits while all the workers and people it took to create your product compete over the remaining 5%.

If this was a classroom and a student wanted to have a bake sale, it would be similar to to her selling $200 worth of baked goods and me, as the teacher, keeping $195 because I convinced the administration the proceeds would go to charity. Anyone who claims the situation is different has yet to explain HOW it is different. Workers create the product, and see a fraction of the profits. Wages have shifted from a reasonable middle class wage, able to afford a house, a couple kids, a college education and a decent car, to a seemingly exponential CEO wage, where middle class people struggle to pay for basic needs, like milk, butter and eggs. Forget about your kids college fund, because it's on the back burner until the bills get paid.. Theirs keeps rising while ours stays stagnant. Why? How? Fair? Reasonable?

It blows my mind how even some middle class people (like CS) can see this stuff and still remain on the wrong side of the argument. The poor who hope the system stays the same so that they can one day make it themselves and be a big shot with a ton of money whose able to look back at everyone else and feel superior because they were "smart enough" to make it in such a fucked up system.. It's clear as day at this point the entire system is rigged against any hardworking blue collar family, and you have to be one immoral sick fuck to be a part of such a system and fuck over your fellow citizen, your neighbor, just to get more of the pie for yourself. They should have a word for such disgusting people.



Well-Known Member
Not if you make it because you figured out a way to ensure you keep 95% of the profits while all the workers and people it took to create your product compete over the remaining 5%.

If this was a classroom and a student wanted to have a bake sale, it would be similar to to her selling $200 worth of baked goods and me, as the teacher, keeping $195 because I convinced the administration the proceeds would go to charity. Anyone who claims the situation is different has yet to explain HOW it is different. Workers create the product, and see a fraction of the profits. Wages have shifted from a reasonable middle class wage, able to afford a house, a couple kids, a college education and a decent car, to a seemingly exponential CEO wage, where middle class people struggle to pay for basic needs, like milk, butter and eggs. Forget about your kids college fund, because it's on the back burner until the bills get paid.. Theirs keeps rising while ours stays stagnant. Why? How? Fair? Reasonable?

It blows my mind how even some middle class people (like CS) can see this stuff and still remain on the wrong side of the argument. The poor who hope the system stays the same so that they can one day make it themselves and be a big shot with a ton of money whose able to look back at everyone else and feel superior because they were "smart enough" to make it in such a fucked up system.. It's clear as day at this point the entire system is rigged against any hardworking blue collar family, and you have to be one immoral sick fuck to be a part of such a system and fuck over your fellow citizen, your neighbor, just to get more of the pie for yourself. They should have a word for such disgusting people.

If you were not sitting around waiting for a handout from someone you might not be such a pissed off little brat...


Well-Known Member
If you were not sitting around waiting for a handout from someone you might not be such a pissed off little brat...
See what I mean..

Redistribution to the wealthiest classes happens and you still have silly fucks like this who defend it..

Yet you get someone who wants to ensure the poor are cared for, redistribution in that direction is GODDAMN COMMUNISM!!!!

These idiots will help the rich steal from them with a smile on their faces. Total fucktards.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean..

Redistribution to the wealthiest classes happens and you still have silly fucks like this who defend it..

Yet you get someone who wants to ensure the poor are cared for, redistribution in that direction is GODDAMN COMMUNISM!!!!

These idiots will help the rich steal from them with a smile on their faces. Total fucktards.
A rich person has never stolen anything from me. My benevolent government... well, that is a completely different animal... I pay thousands and thousands of dollars in extortion to them every year.

You are a brainwashed little brat that does not want to take responsibility for himself and are looking for the next teat to suck off of when your parents get sick of you and kick you out of the house.

Man up, get a job, get experience, look for a better job, rinse, repeat. Why do you fell you are entitled to a free ride on someone else s success?


Well-Known Member
A rich person has never stolen anything from me. My benevolent government... well, that is a completely different animal... I pay thousands and thousands of dollars in extortion to them every year.

You are a brainwashed little brat that does not want to take responsibility for himself and are looking for the next teat to suck off of when your parents get sick of you and kick you out of the house.

Man up, get a job, get experience, look for a better job, rinse, repeat. Why do you fell you are entitled to a free ride on someone else s success?
Rich people may not have, but the system that provides such riches has. This is what you consistently fail to acknowledge. Without it, you would have no riches to steal from.

I've had jobs. Every job I've had has taught me that it doesn't benefit me to earn someone else money. It doesn't earn respect or experience, that isn't how the corporate world works. What you preach is only a model for suckers to follow, those that truly believe if you just work hard enough it'll all pay off in the end! No, it won't. Not for you anyway.. Not today.. Which is exactly what the OP outlines, yet here you are, exclaiming otherwise with zero facts or numbers to support your claim. You claim "just work hard, network, communicate, and you'll be successful!" when all the available data shows otherwise. What you propose is a pipe dream, a utopia. The American dream is bullshit, it always has been. Built on the assumption that you're better than they are. You're not.. Now the rest of us have fallen flat on our faces in such false hopes..

Thanks. You dumb fucks. Such an honorable and treasured benefit of living in America today.. All the bullshit with none of the regard. Our parents (anyone born 1960-1980) took it all for granted and left the rest of us to front the bill of their stupidity. Yet here they are, 60, 70, 80 year olds.. still making fuckin' policy.. You old fucks will die off and the rest of us will still be here to answer for your mistakes.. I hope you're proud of that. While some of you may have helped, most of you fucked us.. Most of you assholes still fuck us because you're afraid of skin color..


Well-Known Member
A rich person has never stolen anything from me. My benevolent government... well, that is a completely different animal... I pay thousands and thousands of dollars in extortion to them every year.

You are a brainwashed little brat that does not want to take responsibility for himself and are looking for the next teat to suck off of when your parents get sick of you and kick you out of the house.

Man up, get a job, get experience, look for a better job, rinse, repeat. Why do you fell you are entitled to a free ride on someone else s success?
"Hey middle class people, blame the poor people for being poor and not having opportunities." ~Rich people.


Well-Known Member
Rich people may not have, but the system that provides such riches has. This is what you consistently fail to acknowledge. Without it, you would have no riches to steal from.

I've had jobs. Every job I've had has taught me that it doesn't benefit me to earn someone else money. It doesn't earn respect or experience, that isn't how the corporate world works. What you preach is only a model for suckers to follow, those that truly believe if you just work hard enough it'll all pay off in the end! No, it won't. Not for you anyway.. Not today.. Which is exactly what the OP outlines, yet here you are, exclaiming otherwise with zero facts or numbers to support your claim. You claim "just work hard, network, communicate, and you'll be successful!" when all the available data shows otherwise. What you propose is a pipe dream, a utopia. The American dream is bullshit, it always has been. Built on the assumption that you're better than they are. You're not.. Now the rest of us have fallen flat on our faces in such false hopes..

Thanks. You dumb fucks. Such an honorable and treasured benefit of living in America today.. All the bullshit with none of the regard. Our parents (anyone born 1960-1980) took it all for granted and left the rest of us to front the bill of their stupidity. Yet here they are, 60, 70, 80 year olds.. still making fuckin' policy.. You old fucks will die off and the rest of us will still be here to answer for your mistakes.. I hope you're proud of that. While some of you may have helped, most of you fucked us.. Most of you assholes still fuck us because you're afraid of skin color..
I started several businesses just over 2 years ago. I am making much more money than I need and I just had to hire a 2nd person on to help me. I have facts to back up my bullshit.. All you have is whiny little rants about wanting college for free....

Rich people earned their money for the most part. You dont seem to want to earn anything, you seem to want to have it handed to you because the other guy has it. Tough shit, it doesnt work that way.


Well-Known Member
Racism was the key to the social movement to oppose FDR's New Deal (conservatism) since it was necessary to convince the middle class to vote against their own interests.