Update on my Critical 47 and White Rhino


Well-Known Member
Well its been 13 days and they were going so good and then.......... I fucked up the PH and had some soil issues so i pretty damn sure i got it all dialed in and transplanted into there 7 gal pots which i wasnt going to do until later. But anyways blah blah blah hope they pull outta there stunted growth mess!!

Critical 47
She had more fan leaves but got sick from ph issues and they dried up and fell off!!:sad:

White Rhino

Tell me any thoughts if any would b appreciated thanks RIU people


Well-Known Member
I've never grown either strain b4 but sour d is my fav!! There is another guy on here growing the Crit 47 his are looking nice but as far as any info on this strain is very hard to find, so its like growing it blind.


Active Member
I've never grown either strain b4 but sour d is my fav!! There is another guy on here growing the Crit 47 his are looking nice but as far as any info on this strain is very hard to find, so its like growing it blind.
Yeah barely any info on it at all. I've had only self inflicted issues with her tho. I forgot to water her and she was in bad shape for a few days but doing way better now and getting some nice lil buds coming in. I'll stick around cuz I would like to see someone else grow this strain.


Well-Known Member
i had some ph issues and is recovering slowly but recovering. My question is she nute sensitive and where did you keep your ph at to keep her happy?


Active Member
Well blue cheese are extremely nutes sensitive and I've feed the critical way more if not double strength and shes fine


Active Member
I don't check my ph... I have a cheap ph/moisture tester with two rods you shove in the soil and it always reads 6.4ish I'll be buying a decent tester soon the only plant that's ever had an issue like that was my purple haze #1 also from postitronics... There was too much dol lime in my soil the leafs were twisting and looking funky as hell!
Здравствуйте кто-нибудь помогите, не могу разобраться как выкладывать тут картинки, долго уже пробую выложить и ужасно туплю :-), кому не сложно покажите как это сделать, заранее благодарю вас.


Well-Known Member
well im at like 15 days now and not showing much growth!!! I probably messed them up bad from starting in to hot of soil!!!


Well-Known Member
There perking up and looking better today and i think they'll pull through!! Also there color is looking a lot better also.


Active Member
There perking up and looking better today and i think they'll pull through!! Also there color is looking a lot better also.
Good to hear! What soil are you using? I'm using roots organic I personally liked that more than ffof, don't get me wrong ffof is great used it alot


Well-Known Member
Using good potting soil mix with sphagnum and perlite it ph's out round about 6.6 when im done mixing it all together


Active Member
Yeah on my next grow I'm gonna start monitoring ph levels I think it well make a huge difference
Согласен с ним идея конечно интересная и хотелось бы дописать, но вот что то в голову ничего не приходит, может чуть позже...


Well-Known Member
i just germed a positronics crit 47 seed, ive never grown them eather so ill let you know whats going on with mine when it pops up.


Active Member
Not alot of info but more and more people are gonna start growing it cuz it was a freebie a while back.