

Active Member

will this cola get any bigger?
week 5 of flower
and how long yall think will be til harvest?


it should get bigger depending on strain, but you should really grab a loupe so you can check the trichomes and harvest when slightly amber or amber


Well-Known Member
Most strains pack on the most weight in the last few weeks. Be patient, looks like you got another month at least.


Active Member
ok ive been trying to looks for a good loupe, any advice. anyother question why are my white hairs (pistils) turing amber?


Active Member
anyother question why are my white hairs (pistils) turing amber?
That's just what they do. It's ok.

As for the size of the cola, it's a hard question. Judging from that nasty light burn 8 inches from the top, you're using HID lighting. I would expect it to fill in more than that, but there are some other contributing factors and information we are lacking. Anyways, I think whoever said you have a month left was probably pretty close. Let it work, squeeze it every day and talk nice to it. Love it, and it shall love you in return.


Well-Known Member
4-5 weeks MINIMUM. If you cut it down anytime soon you may as well cut it now so you won't waste power.