Question for the Experts

he recommends I change out to 600 watt lamps max. and this dude peddles lights, if he were in it for the coin he'd probably be pushing the 1kw lamps .
Hey so this is good I think. The temp only came up 4 degrees running at 600w, total 1800w and it's in the 70's today.
just wondering about the above poster, this is the kind of post that just really irritates me...dbkick, have you NEVER watched a Weed Nerd show ? Those plants are grown under 1000w . Too bad Sub can't seem to get his shit together and grow a decent plant.....(sarcasm in case ya missed it)
But he has over 10k posts he HAS to know something? I heard there was a troll contest for the most posts.

(more sarcasm in case ya missed it)