Slooowww growth


Active Member
I can't say how old my plants are, probably a month though. They are growen outside in a tray so that when it is cloudy i bring them inside under fluorescence lights. I fertilize every 2-3weeks and water them when they need it. They are only a few inches tall!! Some also have holes in the leaves, and a couple have deformed or wrinled leaves.
How can i speed up the growth, and what nutrients should i be giving them. I am going to a plant nursery Sunday and i don't really know what to get.

I was also wondering when i should trim or FIM them. Thanks for your help.


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Well-Known Member
try putting them in bigger pots...... and feeding them more often. what are you giving them for nutes? also, the sun, even on a cloudy day, will give the plants more light than fluorescents, so you can eave them outside.


Well-Known Member
try putting them in bigger pots...... and feeding them more often. what are you giving them for nutes? also, the sun, even on a cloudy day, will give the plants more light than fluorescents, so you can eave them outside.
what about if its raining such as today?


Well-Known Member
maybe not then........ i don't know......but you have to remember how intense the sun actually is, and stoner 408, i know you have an idea, bein in northern cali...... especially last week...


Well-Known Member
maybe not then........ i don't know......but you have to remember how intense the sun actually is, and stoner 408, i know you have an idea, bein in northern cali...... especially last week...
thats why i was asking, this rain only looks like its gonna be around till the day after tomorrow anyway.


Well-Known Member
thats why i was asking, this rain only looks like its gonna be around till the day after tomorrow anyway.
once the plants are in the ground, they will be out there rain or shine.... so i would assume that it's still intense enough during the rain to let it photosynthesize.


Well-Known Member
I can't say how old my plants are, probably a month though. They are growen outside in a tray so that when it is cloudy i bring them inside under fluorescence lights. I fertilize every 2-3weeks and water them when they need it. They are only a few inches tall!! Some also have holes in the leaves, and a couple have deformed or wrinled leaves.
How can i speed up the growth, and what nutrients should i be giving them. I am going to a plant nursery Sunday and i don't really know what to get.

I was also wondering when i should trim or FIM them. Thanks for your help.
Hi...If the pics are your plants as they are now.. They are too small to nute.. IMO..I don't give them shit till the 3rd or 4th set of leaves have started, and then only about 25% of the recommended dosage, and up dose slowly...I do the cfl & sun thing, but, at that size you have to not drastically change the temps...I kept mine under cfl's for 1 week & then did the inside & outside thing..They were getting the small leaves from nodes within 10 days.....
they are 31 days now & the biggest is 12"......the others seem to be easier and quicker to tell sex this time around....for starting the cfls worked GREAT...
Outside IS slow..Mine are outside now and it's pretty cool here..45F - 65F.....
They'll be ready in Oct...You want FAST weed...go HPS..


Well-Known Member
once the plants are in the ground, they will be out there rain or shine.... so i would assume that it's still intense enough during the rain to let it photosynthesize.

i have them all in pots that i bring in at night until they are strong enough to be left out.i think i will be ok i will post a new thread if i have problems.peace


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. On my property there isn't one place that gets more then 3 hours of direct sunlight. So i am moving the plants around about 5-7 times to keep them in the sun. I know moving them is bad, but i don't think it would do to much damage if i was careful. And at the end of the day when it is starting to get dark i move them under the fluorescent lights until about 10. What are your opinions on this. thanks


Active Member
try putting them in bigger pots...... and feeding them more often. what are you giving them for nutes? also, the sun, even on a cloudy day, will give the plants more light than fluorescents, so you can eave them outside.
The florescent lights i have are wraped with a reflective blanket, pictured below. Wouldn't it do more then the sun on a cloudy day? Also, is nutes the same as fertilizer?? I am giving them a seed starter fertilizer every 2 weeks, following the directions on the pckage. I will soon move to a reagular fertilizer.



Active Member
Sounds like your starving the little guys. More nutrients! They can take quite a bit. Just follow the instructions on the package.


Active Member
Wow, I have almost the same set up(w/sun/cfl/peatpots) and guess what?? slow growth too. I was giving the newly germinated plants 20+ hours of light on both sun and a 27w cfl. I needed more light so I might set up 5 more lights or move them to only sunlight. I also transplanted 5 in pots to see if growth would speed up out of the peats because I heard that they sweat water and cool the plants causing stunting. check out my pics!!



Active Member
Wow, I have almost the same set up(w/sun/cfl/peatpots) and guess what?? slow growth too. I was giving the newly germinated plants 20+ hours of light on both sun and a 27w cfl. I needed more light so I might set up 5 more lights or move them to only sunlight. I also transplanted 5 in pots to see if growth would speed up out of the peats because I heard that they sweat water and cool the plants causing stunting. check out my pics!!

Tell me how it works out!! Maybe i will give it a try.


Active Member
I have just started noticing tiny, tiny bugs in the soil but no leaf damage. They are beige and their body is kind of a flat egg shape(oval) BUT they are too small to describe any more features. Could they be contributing to slow growth? Are they eating the roots etc.

And I am giving them miracle gro tomato fertilizer. It was the only one i could find in Home depot that would work.


Well-Known Member
I have just started noticing tiny, tiny bugs in the soil but no leaf damage. They are beige and their body is kind of a flat egg shape(oval) BUT they are too small to describe any more features. Could they be contributing to slow growth? Are they eating the roots etc.

And I am giving them miracle gro tomato fertilizer. It was the only one i could find in Home depot that would work.
Sup bro, I've got the same nute that you just bought, but you don't wanna use that until flowering. As it is best used for blooming. If you start using now at this stage in vegg it would take you forever to flower those thing. IMO. Other than that bro, transplant, and get some plant safe bug spray. Most hardware stores have them. Antidacterial dish soap would work and has worked with me before with the bugs, but you have to make sure that you rinse spray the leaves with plain water, before and after you spray the plant with diluted soap. This way you have a little precaution and do it when it is not in direct sun light because left over soap can slightly burn the leaves. Hope all goes well. Late


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. On my property there isn't one place that gets more then 3 hours of direct sunlight. So i am moving the plants around about 5-7 times to keep them in the sun. I know moving them is bad, but i don't think it would do to much damage if i was careful. And at the end of the day when it is starting to get dark i move them under the fluorescent lights until about 10. What are your opinions on this. thanks
lol this has got to be a pain in the ass :mrgreen:


Active Member
Sup bro, I've got the same nute that you just bought, but you don't wanna use that until flowering. As it is best used for blooming. If you start using now at this stage in vegg it would take you forever to flower those thing. IMO. Other than that bro, transplant, and get some plant safe bug spray. Most hardware stores have them. Antidacterial dish soap would work and has worked with me before with the bugs, but you have to make sure that you rinse spray the leaves with plain water, before and after you spray the plant with diluted soap. This way you have a little precaution and do it when it is not in direct sun light because left over soap can slightly burn the leaves. Hope all goes well. Late
Thanks, what do you suggest i use as fertilizer now? This tomato fert. i thinks is 18-18-21.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, what do you suggest i use as fertilizer now? This tomato fert. i thinks is 18-18-21.
Actually you can smack me because that's pretty good for vegging and flower, if you add molasses with the nutes you'll get some really good results. I'm 35 days into flower and my buds look pretty tasty (wanna grab a taste like a 5 year old.)