The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Got my order from attitude this morning fuck me those humboldt seeds are hard to get in to!!! There in a little wooden block glued in and the lid is glued aswell opens with scissors and flipped the whole 5 fucking seeds around me kitchen :wall: but I got em all back pmsl!!! What a fuckin nob head lol


Active Member

Got my order from attitude this morning fuck me those humboldt seeds are hard to get in to!!! There in a little wooden block glued in and the lid is glued aswell opens with scissors and clipped the whole 5 fucking seeds around me kitchen :wall: but I got em all back pmsl!!! What a fuckin nob head lol


Well-Known Member
fuk me, they say variety is the spice of life,, we all grow the same shit IMO,, well not me with the kali but u get the drift
Ur just growin the Kali cos it was gifted to ye ya bollox, next run mines goina be exo, psycho and thc bomb and I might throw the free ww x big bud in too for the crack.


Well-Known Member
Oooahhhh duck I got 4 sour d aswell overall I got 27 seeds 17 free seeds fuckin sound mate
And outta them 17 freebies most thema single seeds so by the time you realise you've found a good one its too late cos its flowered and all lol, wish someone just had a big selection of good clones for me to choose from


Well-Known Member
Ur just growin the Kali cos it was gifted to ye ya bollox, next run mines goina be exo, psycho and thc bomb and I might throw the free ww x big bud in too for the crack.
gifted my ass,, the cunt always chats bollox, its about take he actually came thru with summet,,

no my point is ther gotta be more GOOD strains out ther, but we on this thread dont seem to grow any of them, b4 i was banned at uk420 lol, ther uk growers had allsorts on the go, just saying ther s mor eout ther than the stadard shizzlemenizzle


Well-Known Member
And outta them 17 freebies most thema single seeds so by the time you realise you've found a good one its too late cos its flowered and all lol, wish someone just had a big selection of good clones for me to choose from
Fuckin well that would be nice hopefully I'll have a few clones in a few months once all me new setup is complete gonna have blue dream and bu ba kush mm mmmmm


Well-Known Member
gifted my ass,, the cunt always chats bollox, its about take he actually came thru with summet,,

no my point is ther gotta be more GOOD strains out ther, but we on this thread dont seem to grow any of them, b4 i was banned at uk420 lol, ther uk growers had allsorts on the go, just saying ther s mor eout ther than the stadard shizzlemenizzle
Yeah I think a lot on here are cash crops so ain't got time or can be bothered fuckin about with loads of other strains, if its for cash and u got something good ur goina stick with it. I'd love another grow wer I could try loadsa other plants but if I did before long I know I'd get fed up and just throw a load more psychosis or something in it, plus I just ain't got the time or routine to try loadsa other plants. Goina try these couple next time and keep doin it that way along with the psychosis and hopefully find something I like


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think a lot on here are cash crops so ain't got time or can be bothered fuckin about with loads of other strains, if its for cash and u got something good ur goina stick with it. I'd love another grow wer I could try loadsa other plants but if I did before long I know I'd get fed up and just throw a load more psychosis or something in it, plus I just ain't got the time or routine to try loadsa other plants. Goina try these couple next time and keep doin it that way along with the psychosis and hopefully find something I like
its not so much finding summet u personllaay like coz u can always do ur cash crop with a percy planta the side, say u run 8 do 7 for cash and 1 for u, seems ok, most finish at the same time, its just finding a good cashcop, hence why i lik the PE,. wikid strain.

il see how the kali turmns out, may have all the ebst rightups in the world, dont meen shit tbh, like that cherry thing fucking pants,


Well-Known Member
I was banned off uk420 aswell I was on there ages trying to get to know folk and shit didn't work very well there all dicks so after about a year I thought id ask about clones and they fuckin banned me so that's why when I came on here I just came straight out with it didn't wanna go through all that bollocks again. But u lot ain't that bad ;-)


Well-Known Member
its not so much finding summet u personllaay like coz u can always do ur cash crop with a percy planta the side, say u run 8 do 7 for cash and 1 for u, seems ok, most finish at the same time, its just finding a good cashcop, hence why i lik the PE,. wikid strain.

il see how the kali turmns out, may have all the ebst rightups in the world, dont meen shit tbh, like that cherry thing fucking pants,
As well m8 all my shits 50/50 with someone so ain't all up to me, might give the pe a go sometime tho. Ill be stickin to psycho round here anyway cos its like gold dust, ain't none about at the min and from what I hear people are turnin there nose up at all the other shit goin round cos they said they been spoiled with the psycho when it was here, oh and did I mention no other cunt has it round here or is gettin it, so any other Irish cunts ccomin here lookin tell them to gtf


Well-Known Member
And outta them 17 freebies most thema single seeds so by the time you realise you've found a good one its too late cos its flowered and all lol, wish someone just had a big selection of good clones for me to choose from
Yeh buts all good fun ain't it and when u find a good one you can just order those seeds again.oh I got some autos aswell never done autos before what's the smoke off em like?


Well-Known Member
I was banned off uk420 aswell I was on there ages trying to get to know folk and shit didn't work very well there all dicks so after about a year I thought id ask about clones and they fuckin banned me so that's why when I came on here I just came straight out with it didn't wanna go through all that bollocks again. But u lot ain't that bad ;-)
lol yeh i got banned for making a clone only unite thread! not one word was sead about swapping or nowt, but they banned me noe the less, was a 300 page thread after a week too, even mods and stuff posting, the complete cuntsd, no loss, its thers hahaha


50-50 master? get that kicked into touch m8


Well-Known Member
I was banned off uk420 aswell I was on there ages trying to get to know folk and shit didn't work very well there all dicks so after about a year I thought id ask about clones and they fuckin banned me so that's why when I came on here I just came straight out with it didn't wanna go through all that bollocks again. But u lot ain't that bad ;-)
eryone is a cunt on this site what you on? dealers an an anti social stoners on here mate hahahaha


Well-Known Member
lol yeh i got banned for making a clone only unite thread! not one word was sead about swapping or nowt, but they banned me noe the less, was a 300 page thread after a week too, even mods and stuff posting, the complete cuntsd, no loss, its thers hahaha


50-50 master? get that kicked into touch m8
Its the way it's been since the start m8 so can't change it now, plus all his is half mine too. It all works out good for both so can't complain


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha a clone unite thread yeh there proper shit stains on there!!! So autos are shit then that's just what I thought I don't like the look of em and there not that strong either I think


Well-Known Member
Its the way it's been since the start m8 so can't change it now, plus all his is half mine too. It all works out good for both so can't complain
just seems hardleyw orth it wen u only do 8 pots? dunno if it works for ya then fak it, money always ruins frendships thop,,seen it happen too often

Ha ha ha a clone unite thread yeh there proper shit stains on there!!! So autos are shit then that's just what I thought I don't like the look of em and there not that strong either I think
yeh autos are carp,,watered down genetics, more light for less yeild,, but you will get auto lovers who disagree lol