just to add
back in the day people would stress the shit out of plants to try to get them to turn , once a plant in the wild is at the point of its nearing the end of its life to perpetuate its geno it would spit out a few flowers and self pollinate ( or anything around it ) , the idea being if it didnt get to spread its genetic base this year it would pop up again next year , so breeders would use this trait and try to force a plant to create these flowers to create female seeds , however naturally it takes ages and is inconsistent and hence people started to use chemicals to change them , as trousers says all plants have this capability although some its alot easier than others , blueberry being a classic case of popping a few flowers at any point it likes wheres a plant you can dick with all you like and the bastard just wont turn is brothers grimm C99 ( GA3 is your new best friend with c99 )