Using garlic plants to control mites?


Active Member
I have read on other gardening websites that you can plant garlic next to peppers and it will repel "red" spider mites from your peppers..

So to all you horticulturists, why wouldn't placing a garlic plant in your grow area repel the little bastards for our crops as well?

And, as an added bonus, you get some delicious garlic to cook with!


Well-Known Member seperate pots. Using rosemary myself. No pests but the herb grows well and makes good chicken snd roasted taters


Active Member
Exactly! I was considering growing it in a smaller pot in the flower room.

How much do you grow (garlic) in your room? I have a 7' x 5' x 8' tall room I flower in.


Well-Known Member
Just one rosemary..small tent..Watch out about bring bugs in with any strange plant or clone. Didn't like growing garlic..straggy messy plant.


Active Member
I spray all my new plants as they come in the room, and use hot shot strips also.

But I would like to use something that would be a little less chemically active, and maybe mask the odor some.

Rosemary would work. Have never seen garlic growing, so not sure how it grows..


Well-Known Member
Currently growing a garlic clove dwc because I always have spider mite issues, not sure if its working, I think I'm on day 3 being in my grow room. I started growing a few others as well. Seemed more appealing than chives or dill. I heard mint works as well, that would smell great!

I have been reading a lot about this as well. Typically I get a mite problem around June when temps get up into the 90's here. I have tried neem, I have tried no pest strips but my crops get destroyed. So I have shut down operations when summer hits. I want this summer to be different as I have invested a ton of cash into genetics and lights over the fall/winter. I am currently growing some chive plants, but everyone seems to say that garlic/rosemary is the way to go. Has anyone had any success growing mint? I figure I need to get my companion plants going strong in the next month so hopefully drive the little bastards away. If I have to, I have a fogger with mite rid. Has anyone used this and what kind of success did you have? My goal is to avoid having to spray the underside of the leaves. Thanks to all


Well-Known Member seperate pots. Using rosemary myself. No pests but the herb grows well and makes good chicken snd roasted taters
Rosemary is excellent ground cover. The grounds at the University of Texas-El Paso are covered with it. Terraced as EP is all hills. It hangs over rock walls and you can gather enough for a big baggie with a handful.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading a lot about this as well. Typically I get a mite problem around June when temps get up into the 90's here. I have tried neem, I have tried no pest strips but my crops get destroyed. So I have shut down operations when summer hits. I want this summer to be different as I have invested a ton of cash into genetics and lights over the fall/winter. I am currently growing some chive plants, but everyone seems to say that garlic/rosemary is the way to go. Has anyone had any success growing mint? I figure I need to get my companion plants going strong in the next month so hopefully drive the little bastards away. If I have to, I have a fogger with mite rid. Has anyone used this and what kind of success did you have? My goal is to avoid having to spray the underside of the leaves. Thanks to all
Dude, get forbid 4F and problem solved. Companion plants wont drive them away. You will have them forever unless you exterminate them completely. The Forbid is super strong 1 ml makes a gallon and one spraying during vegetative kills them for your whole crop. Buy it cheap on ebay. Stop fucking around and kill them already sheesh.


Well-Known Member
Rosemary clones like crazy. :leaf: I treat rosemary and mj clones with azamax bdfore tenting em. I use No Pest strips in veg some of the time. Spray outside sources with azamax before getting them near your stuff. The No Pest strip toxin degrades fairly rapidly.