A lot of yellow/pale green leaves 31 days into flower

Hi guy im new to this site and its the first time ive had to use 1 and hopefully some1 can help me.

Right my setup is grow tent 2.0 x 2.4 x 1.2

2 x 600w lights

6inch fan & filter

5 inch intake

2 oscalating fans

6 plants blueberry

Im 4 weeks into flower and i feed them vita-link A+B

Temps through day average 25 to 27 and when lights are off its around 20

My problem is ive had a lot of yellow leaves since week 3 witch i no is wrong
been told alsorts of different things try this try that but im just not sure what to do. ive bought something called trace elements because i was told it might be a lack of nitrogen.

Also could i remove all the yellow dead leaves or should i just leave them on, would it make a difference. im even flushing them once a week with just ph water

Any ideas would be fantastic

Thanks smokingbud1977


Well-Known Member
Hey there Smokingbud, sounds like your plants aren`t retaining the Nitrogen properly or may not be getting enough with your constant flushing. For the meantime, find yourself some bat guano (insect eat bat guano preferably as opposed to fruit eating) and mix in approximately 1 tbsp / Gallon of medium used or brew some coffee with organic grinds and let your used up grinds sit on paper towel for about 2-3 hours after brewing. Mix into soil mixture at same measurement as previous guano, will be a great short-term option for organic Nitrogen.

Cease and desist from the weekly flush !! Save this for your last 7-10 days of flower to clear nutrient build-up in the bud. Feel free to ask more questions, happy growing mate

KC :weed:
Thanks man im still a bit confused, is there a certain type of bat guano to use or just any. Im growing in 15ltr pots so for these i would need 3 tbsp to each pot is that correct, also do i just give it them once and thats it until they finish. cheers mate


Well-Known Member
yellow is recoverable, if they are black, dead dehydrated stem, or crumble..thats a problem, but they would be ok to remove at that point
I was told by the grow shop that if i start removing yellow leaves while in flowering stage it would stress them out 2 much. He said just let them fall off. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I was told by the grow shop that if i start removing yellow leaves while in flowering stage it would stress them out 2 much. He said just let them fall off. Thanks
He's wrong, they won't just fall off when yellow.. here's a lil' chart to help guide you through deficiencies and toxicity issues, and I agree completely with KushCanuck - it's N def.. please look at this pic and tell me if that's what you're seeing.



Well-Known Member
ok, now that we've established that.. blood meal or worm castings both are both solid options, alternatively.. you could use a veg. fert which should be somewhat high N to spike it, and help those leaves recover.
I was also told to try to add a little bit of grow feed to my bloom as this contains more N but if bat guano is better then ill get some just not sure which one to buy as theres that many and grow shops just make you buy anything. cheers


Well-Known Member
You could use grow food as well, and bat guano is another solid option - agreed on all counts. You want a higher spike of N without driving the others up enough that they start to show any signs of potential toxicity. Guano is solid, castings and bloodmeal are solid.. the bloom food you may have to use more of to accomplish this task, and the guano/castings/bloodmeal will come in handy at another time when you're dialing in exact measurements based on your strains should you have to count on extremely high N to anything else ratio to fix an issue (a late stage N def, as an example)
If i start removing the yellow leaves and there is a lot of them would it stop my buds from growing, i just dont want to remove them if its gunna hurt my plants. cheers


Well-Known Member
If i start removing the yellow leaves and there is a lot of them would it stop my buds from growing, i just dont want to remove them if its gunna hurt my plants. cheers
Fan leaves = greatest area of reception of photons = majority of photosynthesis = production of the critical growth substances and sugars.. with the def, now is not the time for a pruning, would wait until the balance is restored, then wait a few days.. and then you could trim lightly (see: properly) to conserve plant energy for upper level/bud development. (This is a much heated debate as to whether or not it's good, so opinions will definitely get tossed all over.. but I shared mine with you)


Well-Known Member
Yep!! Definitely N deficient. As far as the Guano`s go, see my signature for a full organic write-up for remedies for N deficiency, have like a 2-3 page article for organics. There are 2 major Bat Guano`s sold (Fruit eating and Insect eating) one benefits flowering and one benefits slightly more vegetative growth. Do a bit of reading on my sig., may learn something new :blsmoke:

KC :weed:
Hi Kush when i click on your organic remedies section it says no thread, not sure why. Ive just been digging round the house to see if i had anything i have bought anything in the past and ive found some Nitrozyme and wondered if it was anygood. cheers


Well-Known Member
Try the SLGG threads (SoilLess Growing Guide), should have some good guano info. See what you mean though, may have been removed for inact a while back. Anyways, good luck mate

KC :weed:
Thanks mate ive decided to add some NITROZYME to my bloom but just wondered if you can give them too much nitrogen because they dont seem to be getting any better, ive never had this trouble in the past. The leaves are still going yellow with brown crispy tips curling upwards and its really doing my head in now. cheers


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate ive decided to add some NITROZYME to my bloom but just wondered if you can give them too much nitrogen because they dont seem to be getting any better, ive never had this trouble in the past. The leaves are still going yellow with brown crispy tips curling upwards and its really doing my head in now. cheers
Yes, you can cause N tox, without question...Not saying that's the issue as I'd have to see a pic or three of the problem, but it's definitely something that can be done.
Right well i deffo dont want that N tox, theres a leaf pic further up the page i uploaded mate. I will take sum more bigger ones now and upload them in 10 mins. cheers mate