The Car Talk Thread


Well-Known Member
Captain Slow? Lol.
I have a "I am the Stig" shirt and people are always asking me wtf it means. Hahaha

Been watching it for years. The US version blows. All the episodes are pretty much repeats of BBC episodes.


Well-Known Member
i've seen a few good episodes of the new season.. those are some of my favorite episodes as well that guy, the ones where they go to another country that is. vietnam was great, i lol'ed when they took the driving class for mopeds in vietenese(sp?) or the one where they went to india was another classic, as was the one where they went to the middle east...
For me number two to vietnam is the American south. Where they go through Alabama and such


bud bootlegger
For me number two to vietnam is the American south. Where they go through Alabama and such
yeah, i was going to list that one as well.. the one where they had rocks and shit thrown at their cars for putting crap like hillary for prez and something bad about nascar on their cars.. they do have some balls though...

i also lol'ed when they painted all adders are puffs on the cars in one country, even if it's not true.. :D


bud bootlegger
Captain Slow? Lol.
I have a "I am the Stig" shirt and people are always asking me wtf it means. Hahaha

Been watching it for years. The US version blows. All the episodes are pretty much repeats of BBC episodes.
yeah, imvho, it's hard to copy something that is already about as good as it can get, plus, they us version doesn't have that same idk, sense of humor or w/e you want to call it imo...

i loved the version when they had the stig on it and they were going to reveal his identity and it turned out to be the one and only michael schumacher, but i'm a huge schumacher fan to begin with.. :D


bud bootlegger
My favorites are some of their Challenges. The Channel crossing and the caravan races stand out as supreme efforts in my mind. And the News segments always leave me in stitches. "Pour some Pussy on it." cn
damn c/n, i was just coming back to talk about the amphicar ones they do.. the two channel crossing episodes always make me pee in me pants a lil every time i watch them for sure...

i also loved the ones where they built their own camper thingy's as well.. my god, watching jeremy's creation sway in the wind on one of britians motorways cracks me up every time..


Ursus marijanus
damn c/n, i was just coming back to talk about the amphicar ones they do.. the two channel crossing episodes always make me pee in me pants a lil every time i watch them for sure...

i also loved the ones where they built their own camper thingy's as well.. my god, watching jeremy's creation sway in the wind on one of britians motorways cracks me up every time..
Ohhhh yeah. Remember when Jeremy redid a Mercedes like a living room complete with fireplace and armchair? I remember some designer getting a bit shirty with him over that. cn


Well-Known Member
Lol the one where they went camping was awesome. Definitely one of my favorites. The camper caught on fire and shit.
My favorite episodes are definitely the adventures. Vietnam, the Rainforest, etc.


Ursus marijanus
Lol the one where they went camping was awesome. Definitely one of my favorites. The camper caught on fire and shit.
My favorite episodes are definitely the adventures. Vietnam, the Rainforest, etc.
James May getting into trouble in a hot-airship ... the stuff they think up. I swear weed is involved. cn


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was a different episode. That one was funny as hell he was in restricted air space with his hot air balloon/pop-up camper.


Well-Known Member
Ever watch shows like "Frasier"? No weed there, just gin and Xanax. Pah. cn
lol yes. all the time when around my father. something interesting i noticed from the shows my dad watches like frasier, cheers, and wings is the characters from all 3 of those shows constantly appear in the other shows. i get confused about what hes watching because of that lol.