I am not getting an epidural. I want to feel it.:fire:
That a girl, you can do it. I went through it with my fiance and she was fine. I did alot of massaging and pushing on this and that but she got through it and is totally happy she did it naturally. I turned into a guard dog, nobody came in the room unless they had clearence from ninja ;)
Damn, i just realized that there is going to be alot of people waiting to get a peek at the baby, its going to be a RIU celeb for a while. Its going to be so cute :):):)
Women have been giving birth for thousands of years without pain meds. It is a natural thing.

My ex wanted to give that a go, but after a long and molar-grinding day with a Pitocin drip (our first was just a little too cozy in there) "epidural" became synonymous with rescue. cn
156265_337857982948837_1477928035_n.jpgIMG95201302189520545795853.jpgIMG95201302189520542695615.jpgThe top ones already been in this thread but I couldn't find it for you, Ninja, so I just reposted it instead. The other two are my girlie girls. Who are only posted of because they are "disguised" with mustaches here lol. Goofballs. This is the Professor and the Villain.
My ex wanted to try natural as well... once her contractions started to last and peak for 5 minutes the drugs were welcomed...
Well if I am induced I will need the epidural. I'm not superwoman.
ya but your strong and you have your man to support you. If your determined to do it natural you can do it. It didnt seem that bad from where i was standing. Probly was, but not horrible. You got this, fugetaboutit ;)
My first wife wanted to do the natural child birth. When she took my right hand with both of her hands and was getting ready to bit me I ask for her to have some drugs.