New Member
so i decided to grow some bag seeds that i had laying around. its not my first time planting something but ive never grown from start to finish.im going to grow them in a way that your average joe could grow something aswell. i will be posting pictures as it goes, any advise is welcome but i do kinda already have a plan. if it works it works if it doesnt it doesnt.
so heres my plan. (srry if theirs alot of typos, im used to having spell check)
im not going for huge yields or some cant get off the couch shit (just a heads up)

the sprout in the back is acually an edemame plant, i had the space so i figured why not. healthy munchies
i will try to add more to the discription shortly,also i will be adding pictures periodicly hopefully they come out a good size
so heres my plan. (srry if theirs alot of typos, im used to having spell check)
im not going for huge yields or some cant get off the couch shit (just a heads up)
- ive taken 2 random bag seeds and soaked them for 24hrs in filtered water. just your standard britta/pure pitcher out of the fridge.
- after the soak i put them into a wet (not soaked) paper towel. then it went into a bowl with a dry towel over it. i checked on it every 12hrs or so to see if the seeds had began to germinate and to make sure my paper towel wasnt dry.
- once the seeds cracked and the little white root started to come out i placed it into a plantabe seed starter pot just benith the soil. the soil that im useing is just a mix of peat moss and miricle grow organic potting mix. also i dont trust that these pots will biodegrade as fast as i wanted them to so i dut some holes in the bottom.
- after planting i put them in a box ontop of the fridge to sprout.(it took about a day or two)
- once sprouted i put them under a small grow light about 6-8 inches above the little ladies(hopefully)

the sprout in the back is acually an edemame plant, i had the space so i figured why not. healthy munchies
i will try to add more to the discription shortly,also i will be adding pictures periodicly hopefully they come out a good size