Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
I sure as hell hope my kid inherits my immune system.
In the earlier days, if you had an allergy to something as common as peanuts or oats, YOU DIED.
I believe we get more flu and colds because of our close proximity to other people. Although I am hardly sick. I stay away from the sick people. My husband is always sick tho.. really annoying.
You prob just have a naturally strong immune system. Good genes and all that.
I used to have a really good immune system when my kids were small they would get everything all together and even my husband used to get it but I never did, now I get everything and everyone else escapes it. I think living in centrally heated houses doesn't help the heat lets germs breed, when I was a kid we didn't have central heating and it used to be freezing but we were much healthier. These vaccines we have today have done a good job irradiating dieseases that used to kill us like TB, polio diptherea,etc but some babies have a reaction to them which causes brain damage so what do you do it's quite a decision to make, my daughter and youngest son were vaccinated but my middle son wasn't he suffered with asthma badly and was never well enough to have them but all three have been reasonably healthy thank god!I sure as hell hope my kid inherits my immune system.
Hell yeah, play in the mud and swim in the ponds and everything, hardly ever get sick, ever. Kid next to me was sheltered, never played in the mud, rarely went out and all that, sick all the damn time and I see that story everywhere. Not sure it's just a coincidence![]()
All of them really. I mean half the shit I've never even heard of. Polio? Wasn't that eradicated like 50 years ago?
Oh Sunni i'm sorry.how come when you wanna die you jsut cant? everyone i wanted to talk to tonight i messgaed limke 42 times..i fele horroible
How come everytime you get that feeling that someone is lying to you, you cloud your judgment and think naw she wouldn't do that. Turns out she did do that and liiiiied. Fucking cunt.
You can always watch Weird Science in the HBOFAM channel. That's what I'm doing.