Beginner Grower here looking to become legal.


Active Member
How would I go about doing this? I dont want to break the law. Just want to grow some top quality medicine but do it legally. I dont have a MMAR card nor do i really want one, as i dont really smoke much anymore. I used to use it mainly for insomnia but now i have a script that helps that a lot and no longer need it. I just have an interest in becoming either a breeder or a legal grower. I would like to start out small growing for 1 or 2 people while the law still allows it. when they start moving into commercial growing in 2014 id like to look into doing that possibly. Is there a lot of requirements for this? and how do i go about applying to become a designated grower? any growers out there have any input?
The requirements for becoming a commercial grower are listed on the heath canada website and they are extensive, invasive, and costly.

You need to have a permit to use and to grow man. No way around that as far as I am aware.

You can grow for yourself and two people max as you are already aware. If there's another permit holder on the property, then you guys can grow for yourselves (2 people) plus four other people with permits.

You must have the landlords signature agreeing to this or you must state that you are the property owner as far as I know...others please correct me if I am wrong.

Best of luck.


For info on how to get started

I'm going to be applying for the licensed producer permit (I'm still new but I love growing so far) There are a lot of req's for obtaining one and even still you may not even obtain one as from what I've been reading there are going to be "select" few.. In other words only people with lots of $$$$ will be able to obtain it. Thats just my interpretation of it unfortunately.

This link is the basics of what you need to know instead of reading through the whole proposal
oh i see, i was under the impression you could become a designated grower for someone else even if you didnt have a card. as far as im aware the cards are gonna be no more pretty soon, only by prescription like other drugs. yeah im pretty sure it would be a tough task to become a commercial grower, but hey, still possible the way i see it. i was hoping to become a DG for someone for right now until that happens. get some solid grows under my belt and learn the ropes. thanks for the input, ill check out the health canada website.
thanks for the info. yeah there will probably be a lot of people applying, so it will definitely be tough. people with lots of money will have the upper hand, as all the security required startup cost all the equipment and what not. youd have to probably hire people before you apply to design a building and security systems, layout of everything. it would be a lot of work but i think it would be worth it. dream job for sure.
yeah 4 plants is what im sticking to for now. dont want to get involved in that mandatory minimum bs. is it 5 plants or 6 when the minimums kick in?
answered my own question, its 6. so ill stick to 5. do you get a criminal record for it or just a fine and your done?
The way the conservatives are right now I'm willing to bet $100 that you'll get a conviction and therefore a record if you get caught with five or less. But one other thing. I know some people have said five is the non jail term amount but I have read some news articles that are saying five plants is also going to get you into some hot water. The way the conservatives originally wrote their plans, it was for 1 plant and up that got you jail time. But that got changed due to an outcry. But tread water carefully man. All the advice here won't matter a hill of beans if you get caught with five and you're then told it's going to lead to a conviction of some sort or another. A conviction means big problems for you if you like to travel as the canadian government shares its information with the UK and the states. If in doubt, write to your mp and also check with a criminal lawyer specialising in weed.
thanks for the info. yeah there will probably be a lot of people applying, so it will definitely be tough. people with lots of money will have the upper hand, as all the security required startup cost all the equipment and what not. youd have to probably hire people before you apply to design a building and security systems, layout of everything. it would be a lot of work but i think it would be worth it. dream job for sure.

Well man I got my business plan already laid out as well as the costs of what needs done, you're correct it's going to be very very costly, but that is just your start up fee. Once you get moving along after your first crop if all goes accordingly you should back it back + a little extra depending on how big your "Commercial" business is going to be running. Don't give up hope man if you love growing make a job out of it.
See the thing is, you will be getting audits, so basically say you said you could make 1000 pounds for the year, even 100 pounds. Who were the people that you sold it to. Remember now a list of patients has to choose you. So if you don't got customers, how are you paying expenses..

Logic time, just a question, but were do you plan or how to get patients to buy your product and have it legally on the books?

Again the system will be setup in away so patients have to purchase from you. Say you have 5000 in sales, but its costing $10,000 operational cost monthly with rent/mortage, insurance, hydro?

The first run only matters in the black market, but legal market where do you find customers? Med patients in the hundreds that is?
Well man I got my business plan already laid out as well as the costs of what needs done, you're correct it's going to be very very costly, but that is just your start up fee. Once you get moving along after your first crop if all goes accordingly you should back it back + a little extra depending on how big your "Commercial" business is going to be running. Don't give up hope man if you love growing make a job out of it.
yeah its just the start up that will be expensive. you may be in the green after your first grow but even if youre not it wouldnt take too long i wouldnt think. but youre right depends on how big it is. im not too sure how big these operations are going to be. id be interested to know the average square footage the ops will be.

See the thing is, you will be getting audits, so basically say you said you could make 1000 pounds for the year, even 100 pounds. Who were the people that you sold it to. Remember now a list of patients has to choose you. So if you don't got customers, how are you paying expenses..

Logic time, just a question, but were do you plan or how to get patients to buy your product and have it legally on the books?

Again the system will be setup in away so patients have to purchase from you. Say you have 5000 in sales, but its costing $10,000 operational cost monthly with rent/mortage, insurance, hydro?

The first run only matters in the black market, but legal market where do you find customers? Med patients in the hundreds that is?

the way i understand it is the government will put a link on their MM website so customers can select their grower according to their needs, prices, strains, things like that. also pharmacies will be dispensing so they will be purchasing from growers, as well as customers buying straight from the growers. the smartest would be to start up small and increase in size as demands rise. their are a lot of medical users in canada, and its probably going to go up as all you will need is a script from the doc to get it next year. they want big ops and less of them as opposed to more smaller ones from what i understand. anyone have any input?
The way I look at it is you could spend $100,000 on electrical and engineering designs business and quality control plans and on and on and still not be approved by the government so imo if you wanna do it you'd better do it big and have as much information and plans etc. if you wanna have any chance of being approved. If your serious about it I'd start building your buildings get everything approved then file your papers, that way they can see your already in compliance with health and safety regulations, I'm all for it I'm just trying to say that if you plan on doing it you better be prepared cause theres going to be thousand of people applying and you wanna be one that stands out meaning you've done all your research have all plans/diagrams everything. I've been looking into it myself and have started a list and i can already tell its going to take the whole year to put everything together

Sorry for rambling this subject just makes me excited LOL
yeah its a tall task, and the only way i could possibly even have a chance is if i were to pay someone to design building and security and all the required pieces out of my pocket, talk to the bank and get pre approved for a loan so i have a way to put the plans into action once i get approved by the government. i wonder if they would rather an op in town or out in the boonies? might even be able to find an old abandoned warehouse somewhere and convert it cheaper than building from scratch but i dunno. for now i would just want to become legal growing for a patient or 2 until the law no longer allows it. the cut off date for applying is coming quickly.