Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'm a barista in a very cool organic coffee shop. Work with hot ass girls, except the boss, and I'm the only guy. Boom. Plus its in a hospital, the nurses and receptionists are fucking sexy. Had a lot of flirtin ladies today.
I don't see how such a thing could be possible ;)

Just playing, but that's not my thing at all. My motto: coffee is for the weak. I'm also very tired a lot.

I don't drink coffee. Ha it isn't like a hippy weirdo vege only, nose up San Francisco type place. You'd dig it.
Well. I loved her. I loved him. They loved each other, but they weren't "in love" with each other. We did all share a bed though. I wasn't jealous. He wasn't jealous. She was a little jealous, but not of the sex part, just because she actually wanted to marry me, and couldn't, just because of the same sex marriage laws. We split up after about a year, because her mother and I could not stop fighting. (I was her first "gf" to her family, she had just come out, so not only did I get to be the evil lesbian maker to her family, she was also hooking up with a COUPLE, instead of just a GIRL. Ya they were not pleased with me lol.)

Sucks, doesn't it? I had a "mother-in-law" like that. She hated me from the ground up. He ended up marrying a random and is living miserably with two kids. From what he tells me his mom hates the wife too. Not a pleasant person.
Sucks, doesn't it? I had a "mother-in-law" like that. She hated me from the ground up. He ended up marrying a random and is living miserably with two kids. From what he tells me his mom hates the wife too. Not a pleasant person.
Egads!! Did you turn him straight?!!
Sucks, doesn't it? I had a "mother-in-law" like that. She hated me from the ground up. He ended up marrying a random and is living miserably with two kids. From what he tells me his mom hates the wife too. Not a pleasant person.

Yup. In our house, everything was SO perfect, we all got along so well...until her mother would step in. Omg. It got to the point I wouldn't even let that old beady eyed bat come to my house. Hate that woman...
Egads!! Did you turn him straight?!!

He was "bi" and Mormon like me. The pressure was too great. His family was threatening to shun him. That's serious business in Mormondom.

Yup. In our house, everything was SO perfect, we all got along so well...until her mother would step in. Omg. It got to the point I wouldn't even let that old beady eyed bat come to my house. Hate that woman...

My ex-partner's mom had the audacity to call my mom to tell me to leave her son alone. She tried to pin his being into guys on me. What she didn't realize was she grabbed a tiger by the tail. By the time my mom was finished the woman was a sobbing mess. She never called again. My mom was the SHIT. You didn't mess with her babies.
I'm not gonna lie. I just killed a box of girl scout cookies. I know a place on the way to school that sells them tomarrow. I'm going to have to run an extra mile or two this week. Muuuuuuunnnnchies. See ya on the other side bitches.