The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I got 3 for a tenner at argos but that was a while back. 3KW ones. I always use a contacter with hps though. Mind you, I ran my 250 w with no contacter for a while with no problems.
OK, just looked them up and they are these.$ja=kw:{keyword}|cgn:pla||9822911|tsid:11677|cn:pla||9822911|mt:{MatchType}|crid:24315509465
They are £15 now, I think I got them on an offer.
The cool thing is that they have an internal battery. That means you can set them while they aren't 'in-situ' and are OK with power cuts.


Well-Known Member
im juts on a mad one searchingf orums and ebay lol

so far guano stands out and only 8 qwid for 1.2 litres also ther is pk 4/8 wich is mena be betetr ratio than the canna pk,, fuk sake,, also, looking at bud blood, but thats onlyf or 1st week flower, stops stretch as they change to flower and helps em change faster so may be good for physco to stop that dredded stretch, also the mollasses,

all sounds vry tempting, but for next run im thinking of changin to advanced nutes, kinda pricey but getting real good write ups, smaller bottle, higher rpice, so gotta be better no.?
Yeah sensigrow and sensi bloom are meant to be real good, thats what i had in mind an its pretty cheap 16 quid for each set of a and b they are advanced nutes too i think, i was thinkin sensi nutes but can't decide on canna or sensi.


Well-Known Member
my tap water ph is 7.0. btw

just walking across the estate from iceland and the kids wer charging around on a bike, we get further down and see a police bike on the floor (pushbike#) then around the corner agsaisnt a wall one of the estate kids was up aginst the wall obviously under arrest, anwyays we walk on not wanting to get involved,we here a commotion and trun round and ssee this community officer laying fuk into the kids ribs, and the lady office kneeing him aas they have him pinned to the wall, obviously the lad was crying his eyes out and resisting, so then thats it as much as they is little fuckers for burgs ect NO COPPER should be laying into him like that so i start 6ft 6 19 stone, the little prik copper wouldnt have nonne of me the ginger muppet,
so i tell him im putting a formal complaint in then get his badge number of his coller,

we walk across the estate and then bak and ther like 30 coppers, theyve only wrapped the boy in the bak of the cop car and giving him more digs, so then thats me going fucking nuts, but ofc the coppers all stick together,anwyays since the panic buttonw as pressed a sergent has to be ther, i experess,, verbally that i wish to complain, u know wat my asnwer was? " FUk OFF LURCH OR UR NICKED,"

so thers 2 things really.
wat the fuck gives them the right to lay i nto a 15 yr old kid like that for simply resisting,

and why the fuk do they think they are morally ind itillectually more superior than the normal man,? now im 30 not a kid and basically was a independant witeness, even tho ther was a few "u cunts" " uwas u abused at birth u ginger cunt" "prik" "wanker" all of the ussual
wat gives them the intelectual high ground? if i hadent got a record i could very well have become old bill, im more than intelligfent enough

oh and lastly how the fuk do these spaztiks get to becoem ccommunity support officers? dregs of society?

rant over, fucking PIGS!!!


Well-Known Member
my tap water ph is 7.0. btw

just walking across the estate from iceland and the kids wer charging around on a bike, we get further down and see a police bike on the floor (pushbike#) then around the corner agsaisnt a wall one of the estate kids was up aginst the wall obviously under arrest, anwyays we walk on not wanting to get involved,we here a commotion and trun round and ssee this community officer laying fuk into the kids ribs, and the lady office kneeing him aas they have him pinned to the wall, obviously the lad was crying his eyes out and resisting, so then thats it as much as they is little fuckers for burgs ect NO COPPER should be laying into him like that so i start 6ft 6 19 stone, the little prik copper wouldnt have nonne of me the ginger muppet,
so i tell him im putting a formal complaint in then get his badge number of his coller,

we walk across the estate and then bak and ther like 30 coppers, theyve only wrapped the boy in the bak of the cop car and giving him more digs, so then thats me going fucking nuts, but ofc the coppers all stick together,anwyays since the panic buttonw as pressed a sergent has to be ther, i experess,, verbally that i wish to complain, u know wat my asnwer was? " FUk OFF LURCH OR UR NICKED,"

so thers 2 things really.
wat the fuck gives them the right to lay i nto a 15 yr old kid like that for simply resisting,

and why the fuk do they think they are morally ind itillectually more superior than the normal man,? now im 30 not a kid and basically was a independant witeness, even tho ther was a few "u cunts" " uwas u abused at birth u ginger cunt" "prik" "wanker" all of the ussual
wat gives them the intelectual high ground? if i hadent got a record i could very well have become old bill, im more than intelligfent enough

oh and lastly how the fuk do these spaztiks get to becoem ccommunity support officers? dregs of society?

rant over, fucking PIGS!!!
Because all coppers got bullied at school and now theve got issues fu kin wankers


Well-Known Member
Fookin ell don't it burn em? I might have to drop it lower cuz the little slags are going crazy!!!! I even had one tickle me ear when I was in there earlier dirty bitch


Well-Known Member
Fookin ell don't it burn em? I might have to drop it lower cuz the little slags are going crazy!!!! I even had one tickle me ear when I was in there earlier dirty bitch
na i use a good aircooled hood , not one of those shitty tube things, atm its litterally a inch above em, love the hood m8


Well-Known Member
Well I've got a big 16" fan that blows on the light dya reckon thatll be alright if I get it real close to me plants and get the fan on setting 3 bad boy setting lol


Well-Known Member
Well I've got a big 16" fan that blows on the light dya reckon thatll be alright if I get it real close to me plants and get the fan on setting 3 bad boy setting lol
i bought a 16" fan, fucker cant have it on more than lowest setting or it makes a coco storm in me room lol
u wont be able to get yors nower nr, mybulb is sealed in with a big glass panel m8, so i can drop it real low


Well-Known Member
my tap water ph is 7.0. btw

just walking across the estate from iceland and the kids wer charging around on a bike, we get further down and see a police bike on the floor (pushbike#) then around the corner agsaisnt a wall one of the estate kids was up aginst the wall obviously under arrest, anwyays we walk on not wanting to get involved,we here a commotion and trun round and ssee this community officer laying fuk into the kids ribs, and the lady office kneeing him aas they have him pinned to the wall, obviously the lad was crying his eyes out and resisting, so then thats it as much as they is little fuckers for burgs ect NO COPPER should be laying into him like that so i start 6ft 6 19 stone, the little prik copper wouldnt have nonne of me the ginger muppet,
so i tell him im putting a formal complaint in then get his badge number of his coller,

we walk across the estate and then bak and ther like 30 coppers, theyve only wrapped the boy in the bak of the cop car and giving him more digs, so then thats me going fucking nuts, but ofc the coppers all stick together,anwyays since the panic buttonw as pressed a sergent has to be ther, i experess,, verbally that i wish to complain, u know wat my asnwer was? " FUk OFF LURCH OR UR NICKED,"

so thers 2 things really.
wat the fuck gives them the right to lay i nto a 15 yr old kid like that for simply resisting,

and why the fuk do they think they are morally ind itillectually more superior than the normal man,? now im 30 not a kid and basically was a independant witeness, even tho ther was a few "u cunts" " uwas u abused at birth u ginger cunt" "prik" "wanker" all of the ussual
wat gives them the intelectual high ground? if i hadent got a record i could very well have become old bill, im more than intelligfent enough

oh and lastly how the fuk do these spaztiks get to becoem ccommunity support officers? dregs of society?

rant over, fucking PIGS!!!
LMFAO the community police/city wardens round here get fucked up so bad, iv had loads of tickets for droppin me fags on the ground i just tell them straigh up to fuck off, never once have they tried anything with me (because my brother is massive) but anyway, when i was 14 we used to do a shit ton of stuff an if those wardens touched us they knew what was gonna happen, an i dont think they are allowed to touch civilians anyway, but yeah up here at the shops round my area kids are allways stealin an shit an the wardens are just there writing in their notepads lmfao...


Well-Known Member
i bought a 16" fan, fucker cant have it on more than lowest setting or it makes a coco storm in me room lol
u wont be able to get yors nower nr, mybulb is sealed in with a big glass panel m8, so i can drop it real low
Yeh they some powerful shit arnt they lol coco storming round the room ha ha. So u got a posh hood then have ya.does it blow air over the bulb or suck it lol?


Well-Known Member
LMFAO the community police/city wardens round here get fucked up so bad, iv had loads of tickets for droppin me fags on the ground i just tell them straigh up to fuck off, never once have they tried anything with me (because my brother is massive) but anyway, when i was 14 we used to do a shit ton of stuff an if those wardens touched us they knew what was gonna happen, an i dont think they are allowed to touch civilians anyway, but yeah up here at the shops round my area kids are allways stealin an shit an the wardens are just there writing in their notepads lmfao...
Well we all no what u scottish are like ha ha no wonder the community support officer dnt do anything bet he was shifting his pants ha ha ha