Humidity and stress question

Sunny Dee

My room is always 20-30% humidity. last grow i had 4 girls hermie on me early in flower therefore i had to chop em. and 2 that turned out amazing, 10oz from 2 plants after 55 day flower cycle. i am about to flower 4 girls again. and my humidity has been the again norm, 20-30%.. i recently read that low humidity can stress my girls and im beginning to think thats why i had a high hermie rate last time.

I am going to buy a humidifier tomorrow. how long should i wait before i transition to flower, now that i am going to raise the humidity and in reality, be completely changing they're environment- which could cause more stress i dont know... how long should i give them to letss sayyy "unstress" and get ready for transition to flower.

any comments would be great. thanks

Sunny Dee

i would like to transition them into flower with next to no stress so i have less of a chance of hermies bc i am growing from FEM seeds.


Well-Known Member
As you probably know, adding Humidity to the bud [room/cycle] maybe asking for Mold issues...
You can add RH with a small humidifier, you just need to stay on top of the over misting...
I run a small humidifier in my 18/6 room ... air feeding room has been since december around 32% RH...too low....


Well-Known Member
Not sure humidity would stress into a herm. It changes in nature, but I really don't know wtf I'm talkin about lol. Maybe your strain is just prone to it.


Well-Known Member
Low RH isn't going to stress a plant out to the point where it hermies.

It's either genetics or you have light leaks or something else is a stray, I run 25% RH in my flower room for the last 2 years and have never had a plant hermie on me.

Hermies come from genetics or some form of stressor, like light leaks, severe temp swings, things like that but not RH.


Well-Known Member
My room is always 20-30% humidity. last grow i had 4 girls hermie on me early in flower therefore i had to chop em. and 2 that turned out amazing, 10oz from 2 plants after 55 day flower cycle. i am about to flower 4 girls again. and my humidity has been the again norm, 20-30%.. i recently read that low humidity can stress my girls and im beginning to think thats why i had a high hermie rate last time.

I am going to buy a humidifier tomorrow. how long should i wait before i transition to flower, now that i am going to raise the humidity and in reality, be completely changing they're environment- which could cause more stress i dont know... how long should i give them to letss sayyy "unstress" and get ready for transition to flower.

any comments would be great. thanks
My tent is usually between 20-35%. If it gets low the leaves will cup a bit, but there is no way low humidity is going to cause enough stress to make it throw balls.

Don't get a humidifier, it will just cause more problems.

You are obviously stressing the min some other way. The most common way to stress a plant is with too much nutes. Figure out what you are doing to make your plants throw balls.

i would like to transition them into flower with next to no stress so i have less of a chance of hermies bc i am growing from FEM seeds.

You have the same chance of "hermies" from regular seeds as from feminized.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are doing fine now with that humidity I wouldn't worry about it. During flower you want lower humidity anyway. I run around 30% all the time in flower and have no issues. If anythjing try and keep humidity around 50% during veg. During flower anything below 50% is good.