World Of Hempy

Moe, You have some really fat calyx's, if you are worried it hermied that is not the case. Male buds maintain that football shape as they bud, generally show at the junction of branch nodes to the main stem. They will appear much like a female, but unless they produce pistols ( the two fine hairs ) it's a male. The male stamens will hold that football shape and expand as the mature.
Whocares, if you intend to keep that male, you will want to isolate it completely from your grow, as you will not know when they will mature and pop open. the pollen is so fine it will travel with the slightest breeze from a fan or air movement. It will settle on leaves and can be distributed to flowering plants by brushing them together when moving them around. Unless you just want unknown strain mixing.
Yep, it's official!!! I can't express enough on how much I am enjoying my first experience with Hempies!!!! Mad Props to everyone that contributes to this thread and/or their own!!!! Peace

View attachment 2537867View attachment 2537868 Day 12/early 13: Can't tell so much under the T5 lighting but under the HPS there is some definite crystal production starting. I already have a general idea to which will be the heavy weighters. My goal, aside from finding and locking in my pinks is two mothers. One for potency and one for yield, although with the yield there has to be an acceptable potency. If this can't be achieved then more beans will be popped and these mothers will be bred to distingusih if their offspring has any potential. Puff n Pass!!!

Shaggn, looking nice bro. Can't wait to see if the pink can come out. That is a very rare color in bud and a nice pheno to keep!!! You are a week behind me. Mine are already 2 ft tall and bud sites all over (3 weeks). The stretch is over at this point. We'll have a nice april harvest for the 4/20 celebration.
Well it's 31 days veg for the BF LSD, and time to say goodbye to this experiment. The conclusion, wrong strain, wrong medium for hempy...this LSD was a problem from the start in party cups of coco (a guaranteed starter in my garden) burned with Canna "Start" after 1 week then burned more @ 250ppm regular Canna nutes after 2 weeks. Peeps say it gets hardy once it gets teenage and after the transplant to the 2g buckets of Grodan grow-chunks it responded well to daily 1/2L douches like a perlite bucket grow needs to get the root in res. But the day came where they drooped (over-water) so I let the buckets dry (8days it took for a 2" res). Meanwhile I've got a bucket of the extra grow-chunks in the garage that were left over from the transplant, and were part of the pre-soak...they remain wet to this very day. This medium is not for hempy...although there is lots of air surrounding the chunks...the moisture retention is too great for a bucket with a res in bottom. Anyhow, here are the worst pics I've ever shown on RIU...they aren't really that yellow (camera settings)....but they aren't emerald green for certain. Freaky, knarley leaf curls and canoeing...entangled leaves...just plain ugly, but dense none the less. I'm giving them to a friend who will transplant to plain coco in hopes of a salvage. I have 3 of 4 DNA Sharksbreath up from seed in coco cups...I need a guaranteed grow after 2 Barney's Farm mishap strains...might even revert to my coco standard to insure some success. BTW, these rockwool chunks would be great in the res, where you want your moisture lasting longer.

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jela10, sad to hear that now the LSD isn't doing well. What's with Barney Farms? I grew out their "Pineapple Chunk" and it had some very odd leaf growth. I've read a lot of others with Liberty Haze and Tangerine Dream were not impressed with the results. Hope that they pull through and it's decent smoke. I'm going to stay away from Barney's gear for the time being.

That little one in the bottom corner though, looking good! I see your "plan b" wasnt too far behind. How is she responding to the Canna?
hey moe- i had this happen on a blackberry haze plant, i think and your talking about where the fan leafs attach to the stem theres that single fat pistil? i think thats normal for some strains, id have to research into it to give a good answer

Isn't that just a Calyx?

Moe, You have some really fat calyx's, if you are worried it hermied that is not the case.

Thnks Guys. I was worried. Someone drew my attention to it and I just couldnt shake it from my paranoia. I have seen it before and assumed it was a calyx but nobody had ever told me.
Elephant.... maui wowie.... shiva u in hawaii? Thats like old school hawaii strains.... where did u get that elephant. I only know of a few people that have them.

Naw I live in Washington. My old roommate is native Hawaiian and we have a large community of polynesians. I was gifted the elephant not sure where it came from but could be from the islands.

Id love to find whatever strain I was sold last time I was on Oahu though..damn it was sweet. Got it from a fat old guy in a wheelchair on Waikiki lol
jela10, sad to hear that now the LSD isn't doing well. What's with Barney Farms? I grew out their "Pineapple Chunk" and it had some very odd leaf growth. I've read a lot of others with Liberty Haze and Tangerine Dream were not impressed with the results. Hope that they pull through and it's decent smoke. I'm going to stay away from Barney's gear for the time being.

That little one in the bottom corner though, looking good! I see your "plan b" wasnt too far behind. How is she responding to the Canna?

Dank, yes the LSD was from BF. I not going to rag on the breeder but I will push my "Red Dragon" and "Acapulco Gold" seeds back to the rear of my collection for a while since the BF Blue Cheese didn't exactly work as expected either. The new ones are DNA "Sharkbreath" sprouts at 4 days now...will give them a taste of Canna Start at day 7. But for right now they are vigorous already (nice feeling, believe me).
Anyhow, a buddy with a hefty stable took the LSD to grow it out. It was surprising thick and dense with a lot of bud sites ready for the flip at day 32 of veg. We transplanted last night into his pots of "Roots Organic". During the transplant I learned that the Grodan Growchunks may have been a decent medium for hempy after all. Here are pics of me holding the plug which was infused with healthy white much that, very few cubes fell away easily. I only transplanted from coco cups into the cubes 2 weeks prior to this. We did have to pull some away to enable his medium to surround the plug completely. I could see trying these chunks again. I think my next bucket will have two layers of cubes at the bottom for the res, then a mixture of coco coir and cubes up top. The coco coir would help wick away some of the extra moisture retention the cubes displayed and maybe add a day to coco's typical watering frequency. I'll cal it "Cocito", instead of "Mapito".....since mapito uses coco chunks and rockwool instead of coir.
Jela, I love the way you can see the concentric circles of rockwool around the base of the Hempy. That's brilliant man.
Testing out my new camera's macro setup....the new Sharksbreath sprouts and some sweet basil and bib lettuce for fun. It feels so good to see some normal seedlings again...these look even more robust at 4 days old than the Pineapple Express did..just one latecomer to the party...took 2 days longer to pop.

Jela, I love the way you can see the concentric circles of rockwool around the base of the Hempy.
I was aiming to keep air gaps to a minimum down in the res so the bottom two layers were hand placed that way. Both Wattsaver and myself have seen roots stop at the perlite layer when using coco. Can't say for sure but "air pruning" could be the culprit with coarser grades of perlite.
If it has flowers its a female. ... although this doesnt mean it won't hermie later but usually it stays fem.
don't you mean if it has flowers its male? theyre little white flowers that come out of pods that are in clusters. in Hermaphroditing plants you will see these little "bananas" pop out. these release pollen and result in seeds. (usually making you harvest early, for fear of a fully seeded crop) The female sites are pistils that come from calyx's that are small single pods at first with 2 pistols at each branch (usually)
If it has flowers its a female. ... although this doesnt mean it won't hermie later but usually it stays fem.

To the untrained eye male flowers look a lot more like a typical flower than females...especially when they open. Maybe whocares could snap a.close up? Are there small fuzzy white hairs growing out? Or is it a cluster of football shaped pods with small yellow/white flowers?