The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That's me potted the next lot and flipped them taken a round of psycho snips for the round after next. got some good looking livers x blueberry, underground originals bred the seed of livers.

bloody 3 inch of snow today.


Well-Known Member
ikode, i'd use the rhizo more than a week, but it's dear, and tbh i get better roots using seaweed extract, and that only costs £4.50 for 800ml from wilkinson's, rhizo is £12 for 250ml.

The seaweed goes in at 5ml per litre and i have NEVER had roots as good as what i got now using it, my rhizo is now sitting un-used, will do a side by side with 2 cuts when my next psychosis root, as for using it a week, i use it all way thru veg, and lower to a minimum dose around week 5 of flower, cutting it off only at week 7.


Well-Known Member
i challenge ANYONE on this thread to go at least try the wilko seaweed extract and have a go yourself, the girls fukkin love it, never had happier plants since i dropped most my old nute lineup, for under a fiver, it's gotta be worth a try!


Well-Known Member
i challenge ANYONE on this thread to go at least try the wilko seaweed extract and have a go yourself, the girls fukkin love it, never had happier plants since i dropped most my old nute lineup, for under a fiver, it's gotta be worth a try!
Yeah man, i will see, after this crop is done ill be gettin a shoppin list for a 4 plant canna coco 250 for veg 400+cooltube for flower, thats when ill consider myself a real grower, this run is basically new to me except for an auto i ran an a plant on the window sill...


Well-Known Member
ikode, i'd use the rhizo more than a week, but it's dear, and tbh i get better roots using seaweed extract, and that only costs £4.50 for 800ml from wilkinson's, rhizo is £12 for 250ml.

The seaweed goes in at 5ml per litre and i have NEVER had roots as good as what i got now using it, my rhizo is now sitting un-used, will do a side by side with 2 cuts when my next psychosis root, as for using it a week, i use it all way thru veg, and lower to a minimum dose around week 5 of flower, cutting it off only at week 7.

caps soz

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i challenge ANYONE on this thread to go at least try the wilko seaweed extract and have a go yourself, the girls fukkin love it, never had happier plants since i dropped most my old nute lineup, for under a fiver, it's gotta be worth a try!
What nutes are you running with mate? I'm sure we had this convo in another thread but forgot to ask what your running with altogether, I'm going back to soil after this run and am gonna stick with bio-bizz, might have to have a look around wilko's and see if they got anything I could put to use, I'm a less is more kinda guy.


Well-Known Member
chuckle as all the uk growers desed on wilko's the staff be noticing baseball cap wering lads asking about tomato food and seaweed, lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah IC3 gave my seedling with the clawing leaves half strength of rhiz in a flush today, damn took my ph up to 10 so added some ph down to 6.5 and gave it a little flush, whos using 2l milk bottles to water im gettin a 21l bucket on wedensday all these milk cartons lyin around takin up too much space haha iv collected 20 of em...


Well-Known Member
Yeah IC3 gave my seedling with the clawing leaves half strength of rhiz in a flush today, damn took my ph up to 10 so added some ph down to 6.5 and gave it a little flush, whos using 2l milk bottles to water im gettin a 21l bucket on wedensday all these milk cartons lyin around takin up too much space haha iv collected 20 of em...
10 litre bucket i use, easy on the math, fill to the line and add 40ml of each, lol easylife. the kali mist got has budsites fooking everyware, like a xmas tree with baubles, dont really have the heart to strip her down


Well-Known Member
chuckle as all the uk growers desed on wilko's the staff be noticing baseball cap wering lads asking about tomato food and seaweed, lol
lmao i go into the hydro shop an be like my plants are goin into flower soo gimme what ya got an he talks about his grow an shit its mad he dont care, first time i went in i was nervous but now he's askin what strains im runnin an shit lawl.


Well-Known Member
10 litre bucket i use, easy on the math, fill to the line and add 40ml of each, lol easylife. the kali mist got has budsites fooking everyware, like a xmas tree with baubles, dont really have the heart to strip her down
for cuts you mean? should av waited to lolipop and got your clones that way.


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you running with mate? I'm sure we had this convo in another thread but forgot to ask what your running with altogether, I'm going back to soil after this run and am gonna stick with bio-bizz, might have to have a look around wilko's and see if they got anything I could put to use, I'm a less is more kinda guy.
using wilko's 5-5-5 multi feed, it has no cal-mag in it so i use epsom salts and canna calcium it has everything else tha canna A+B has in it, Canna chelate the iron, but as far as i can tell, they dont chelate the rest? (going off the canna bottle anyway) wheras the wilko fert has chelated iron, copper, manganese and zink, and they are all very similar levels as to what canna add, slightly better in some cases.

ice, yeah, i know rhizo is good m8, i used it for a few year, but seaweed over rhizo for me for both price and performance tbh, been using it ages now, and like i said, never had better roots.


Well-Known Member
i was readin up on the rhiz, think ill use it untill the stretch is done, better hope i have enough lol.


Well-Known Member
no shit guys, try it, money pissed down the pan is rhizo, seaweed extract FTW, i'm not saying drop rhizo, just give seaweed a go, in fact, rhizo is seaweed extract.....


Well-Known Member
you only need 4 ml a lt at full strength o rizzo?

5ml of wilko seaweed extract will give better roots, cant say this enuff lol, honest m8, it's the same thing, just far cheaper, they also sell mycorrizal at 4 quid a bag, add 2 spoons of that at start of veg, and you have inoculated your garden, cant vouch for this yet as my first batch of gk x exo (going into flower tonight) are the first i have treated with it, but heard many good things about it, 4 quid buys 8 plants worth of fungi....soon see if it helps i guess.