
New Member
So I recently popped 2 bubblegun's from spilff seeds, (AK and Bubblegum). They are finished with there first week of veg and I plan on using the LST method after obtaining there 3rd or 4th node. I have read many different ways to LST but have made a design on paint for my own. Not saying no one has done this, it was just my thoughts of how to do it. Let me know if this is an alright way or if theres something I should change. I appreciate all the help guys! O and the plants are on opposite sides of the dwc, I have a 4 pot setup and they are in cups diagonally from each other.Dwc.jpg


New Member
Great, thanks man. I guess the whole thing seems a little simple to me ha. Correct me if Im wrong but all I have to do is once the 3rd or 4th node grows, I clip the side that will not be facing the light and tie the main stem down. From there do I just leave it be for the rest of the grow? Or is it something I will have to change or mess with weekly? Will the leaves left uncut facing the light naturally turn into colas, or is there something I must do?


Well-Known Member
Cracking strain name - I would have read that as 'bubblegum' if you hadn't added it was an Ak47 cross. Bubblegun - love it! lol

I also very much like your little picture :-)

I bet you do a good job with the lst - I've just had my first attempt at it. Just be gentle, take it a bit at a time, and you'll have bushes before you know it.


New Member
Killer! Ha bigby, It was a must have once I saw the strain! Is the bending of the main stem something I should do over a 2-3 day period?


Well-Known Member
Great, thanks man. I guess the whole thing seems a little simple to me ha. Correct me if Im wrong but all I have to do is once the 3rd or 4th node grows, I clip the side that will not be facing the light and tie the main stem down. From there do I just leave it be for the rest of the grow? Or is it something I will have to change or mess with weekly? Will the leaves left uncut facing the light naturally turn into colas, or is there something I must do?
I usually bend and tie the plant first then cut the leaf/branch off that's facing away from the light. You can leave it be, I like to keep re-tying the main stem down to the rim of the pot. Where the leafs that are facing the light are side shoots will grow from there, these will become your cola's. As when you tie the main stem down this tells the growth hormones to produce new growth shoots. Here's a pic of a white widow i 4 way lst'd on my last grow. As u can see the under neath has been stripped to focus energy on the main tips



New Member
Nice pic CG and mad props for the help! I guess my last question would be how much time does this add to the veg period. I would assume it varies from plant to plant, but essentially your making a foot tall plant or foot and a half to about half that size. I will essentially be starting at like week two again correct?


Well-Known Member
No problem man. Yh i'd start at week 2 maybe three depending on growth. The time it adds is not much, it doesn't take long for the plant to recover from being tied as it's a low stress procedure. Me personally i give 6 weeks veg time under 300w of cfl


New Member
Nice, good to hear! I guess I do have another question, being that I will have 3-4 colas compared to one, should I be feeding my plant more then I normally would. I like to keep my ppms level with each week, week 1- 100 week 2- 200 Etc... Basically, will the plants require anymore nutes compared to normal? Also would it be a good idea to supercrop (pinch) the main stem to make it more durable to hold the weight of the new colas?


Well-Known Member
No they won't need more nutes cos theirs more cola's lol. You can supercrop if you want, imo it's unnecessary as when you tie the stem horizontal they grow really thick and strong. If you want to,go for it i'm not saying don't. But why stress them more? The plant in my pic had no support whatever.