

Active Member
So i've noticed my blue widow mid-section fan leaves some of the tips are drying and falling off, no yellowing, stay green just die and fall off. I'm really not sure what this means, I don't think it is effecting my growth but if anyone has clues please fill me in, thanks.



Active Member
thirsty, too hot, over feeding.

since harley thinks deficiency, are you feeding?
thirsty yes its watering day, too hot I don't believe so I keep it a little warmer than most 77-79 (light) 70-72 dark but its consistent and none of the other ladies seem to mind, over feeding? transplanted into ffof waited about 2 weeks before nutes using botanicare flower at about 1/4 strength since it was the first feed after new soil.


Active Member
Phosphorous deficiency.
will you explain more in depth why you believe it is phosphorus? I'm not trying to degrade your opinion but while researching I thought tips would turn brown and mine aren't turning brown they're drying green and falling off thats why I' so confused.


Active Member
27-40% RH should be fine.. i had that problem until i just bought a humidifier, now im running 55-60% RH. What kind of lights are you using?


Active Member
Hi, are they touching any walls or a hard surface? I had a leaf turn like that after it was pressed against the wall for 2 days. But it started tu die from where it got bent not from the tip of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
Dude that is nute burn, classic example. I have that happen each time I bumped up the nutes a few mls then the plants would adjust and be happy with the increase until I increased again. I tend to start at 5ml of veg or bloom nutes and increase it 3 mls each watering until I need to start decreasing the nutes at the end of flower. Try feeding a little less.
Ok just saw you are in FFOF and using Botanicare. That is excatly what I am using. It is nute burn I am sure of it. I found that I could not feed any grow nutes in veg without getting burn, not even 1 ml per gallon. I went threw 5 weeks of veg with no nutes only CalMg, Bio Root and sweets and my plants stayed lush and green. FFOF is pretty hot and has enough nutes in it for at least most of veg IME.


Well-Known Member
Phosphorous deficiency.
I agree. at first i thought it might extreme low humidity. But After a closer look your right it is a (P) deficiency.
will you explain more in depth why you believe it is phosphorus? I'm not trying to degrade your opinion but while researching I thought tips would turn brown and mine aren't turning brown they're drying green and falling off thats why I' so confused.
Phosphrus deficiency leaf tips turn brown and shrivel up. Other signs are purple petiole, and leaf veins.
Nitrogen overdose the leaf tip would be curled uunderfunded pictures are phosphrus deficiency.



Active Member
Dude that is nute burn, classic example. I have that happen each time I bumped up the nutes a few mls then the plants would adjust and be happy with the increase until I increased again. I tend to start at 5ml of veg or bloom nutes and increase it 3 mls each watering until I need to start decreasing the nutes at the end of flower. Try feeding a little less.
Ok just saw you are in FFOF and using Botanicare. That is excatly what I am using. It is nute burn I am sure of it. I found that I could not feed any grow nutes in veg without getting burn, not even 1 ml per gallon. I went threw 5 weeks of veg with no nutes only CalMg, Bio Root and sweets and my plants stayed lush and green. FFOF is pretty hot and has enough nutes in it for at least most of veg IME.
It's just strange bc only my blue widow is showing those signs none of my others are infact some are starting to get yellowing leaves towards the bottom so I thought they might be in need of nutes. Like you I also start at 5 ml's but try to advance a little slower, not using calmg but maybe I should? also why sweets?


Active Member
I agree. at first i thought it might extreme low humidity. But After a closer look your right it is a (P) deficiency.

Phosphrus deficiency leaf tips turn brown and shrivel up. Other signs are purple petiole, and leaf veins.
Nitrogen overdose the leaf tip would be curled uunderfunded pictures are phosphrus deficiency.
Alright pic 1 looks the most like what I have going on thanks for the education. Should I up my flowering nutes or...?


Active Member
Hi, are they touching any walls or a hard surface? I had a leaf turn like that after it was pressed against the wall for 2 days. But it started tu die from where it got bent not from the tip of the leaf.
no my space is tight but all plants are at least 4" from the wall


Well-Known Member
Alright pic 1 looks the most like what I have going on thanks for the education. Should I up my flowering nutes or...?
Need to know if its your Ph locking out phosphorus. What's your soils Ph? Maybe it is just a phosphorus deficiency all on its own.


Active Member
Need to know if its your Ph locking out phosphorus. What's your soils Ph? Maybe it is just a phosphorus deficiency all on its own.
I use tap water set for 2-3 days and shoot for 6.4-6.8 I don't actually know the soil ph I just watered today so it will be a couple days before I can get any drainage


Well-Known Member
Whats the PPM of the tap up there? In the Phoenix area it is 400-500 PPM and the Ph is AROUND 7.8-8.0 pretty high, I use RO water. What are you using to test the Ph? You need a good digital Ph pen, dont trust the liquid and strip tests. Oh and Arizona tap water has chloramane in it not chlorine and chloramane does not evaporate off like chlorine.
Since you are feeding nutes I would not suspect a deficiency.