460PPM is not high for water. What the hell are these guys talking about? My city PPM is 600 and we have a 99% water grade. My homeboy from New York his PPM test in at 900, so how the heck is 460 high
In the UK 460 is excessively high.
My tap water tests at 0.2EC. Around 200ppm.
A friend of mines tap water tests at almost zero.
So before you start spouting about high ppm's of tap water and "us guys" and what the hell we're talking about I suggest you take it up with your water company. As I already stated about analysis.
Most plants are fine with higher ppm's in the water but you need to know what minerals are being added at the source in order to know how much of each nute you need.
As previously mentioned ALL tap water generally has fluoride and chlorine/chloramine. Some water companies add phosphates to slow down the corrosion of copper pipe work and nitrates too along with calcium and magnesium for stability etc.
With 900ppms in your water you maybe able to get a mineral breakdown and find it contains almost everything you need to grow plants.
But without the analysis sheet its like pissing into the wind to find a happy growing formula.