World Of Hempy

Yeah I have, I for one dont have a timer capable of the schedule. For two, my shit hermies easy enough as it is, and I have a feeling it "may" make an unstable plant hermie easier.

That was one concern I had as well, whether it would increase the percentage of hermies. Maybe they get used to the schedule if started from the beginning. On the other hand, it emulates their light cycle in the wild.
Just want to point out the obvious and try not to sound like an jerk, But how do you get a hermie in veg? I had a really messed up veg area many years back that was just riddled in PM, I swear every leaf had it. Did a soak down in the bloom room with milk, twice. I never had any hermie at all. I think the hermie is brought on by stress in bloom only and I don't think the genes of the plant remember any stress pryer, unless ofc the strain is from a hermie. Stress in bloom causes a hermie, I'm not 100% on this but from reading tons of available info, that's what I gather. Peace!!
Just want to point out the obvious and try not to sound like an jerk, But how do you get a hermie in veg? I had a really messed up veg area many years back that was just riddled in PM, I swear every leaf had it. Did a soak down in the bloom room with milk, twice. I never had any hermie at all. I think the hermie is brought on by stress in bloom only and I don't think the genes of the plant remember any stress pryer, unless ofc the strain is from a hermie. Stress in bloom causes a hermie, I'm not 100% on this but from reading tons of available info, that's what I gather. Peace!!

I'd like to see pics/video of the hermie in veg - have never once seen, or heard of that. Bloom time namely: genetics fucked up... light leaks, and a few other things can cause it then. Wouldn't surprise me if it's a rarity, I learn something new every day.. so am glad to take in more knowledge from those who are more wise than myself :D
I've had true herms show in veg, not the "late nanners" people are usually referring to but actual male/female parts throughout the plant. Ive only had I think 2 of those in my life. Late nanners unfortunately have become more of the norm than the exception for me lately which is why Im getting away from the perpetual growing for now. Older plants were pollinating my younger ones just put in flower and I just kept getting more seed!
I've had true herms show in veg, not the "late nanners" people are usually referring to but actual male/female parts throughout the plant. Ive only had I think 2 of those in my life. Late nanners unfortunately have become more of the norm than the exception for me lately which is why Im getting away from the perpetual growing for now. Older plants were pollinating my younger ones just put in flower and I just kept getting more seed!

Ouch... but look at the seed packs you can prepare for Halloween, to give to the trick or treaters! Parents love it when their children get little plant growing projects :D
I've had true herms show in veg, not the "late nanners" people are usually referring to but actual male/female parts throughout the plant. Ive only had I think 2 of those in my life. Late nanners unfortunately have become more of the norm than the exception for me lately which is why Im getting away from the perpetual growing for now. Older plants were pollinating my younger ones just put in flower and I just kept getting more seed!

Nice, not that you're having major herm issues, but your knowledge on hermies in veg. I've never heard of it till now. I really think those that susceptible are hermies to begin with. I will be trying the 12-1 veg under a small light when I can put it together. It has really tweaked my interest on whether it works as good as stated. If it makes them bushier rather than tall as stated, mixed with hempy, BOOM!!! Looking more towards saving money on power and not having LEO breathing down my neck lol. I think it might just be time for some new genetics Chaka, if it is getting that bad, jmo :)
Nice, not that you're having major herm issues, but your knowledge on hermies in veg. I've never heard of it till now. I really think those that susceptible are hermies to begin with. I will be trying the 12-1 veg under a small light when I can put it together. It has really tweaked my interest on whether it works as good as stated. If it makes them bushier rather than tall as stated, mixed with hempy, BOOM!!! Looking more towards saving money on power and not having LEO breathing down my neck lol. I think it might just be time for some new genetics Chaka, if it is getting that bad, jmo :)
Hopefully you'll keep us all informed. Gotta love the money saving part!
Hopefully you'll keep us all informed. Gotta love the money saving part!

I will share all :) Only worry I have is in my search, I still haven't found a completed thread showing its success or failure. So it's a 50/50 flip on whether the power saving is worth it or not. Best part is, we will see.... Oh and if it presents more hermies than normal. Research is in the early phase, but it's to late to sleep now, just read and get on with my day lol.
I dont think that its so much causing a plant to hermie in veg but more of a "I wonder what kind of stress such an unregular light cycle could cause. I do believe that stress in the growth stage can cause some genetic damage and yield a weaker plant. I have noticed a direct correlation between seedlings that were happy and healthy their whole life buddings faster and heavier than plants that were stressed early in life. Even when they were vegged long enough to get them back to health before flowering. I dont know if this could be construed to say that it could cause hermies but I would factor in the possibility.

I would also suspect that even if it worked for one strain it might be trouble with another. When Florigen aka budding hormones start assembling during periods of darkness some strains take less dark time in order to reach critical levels that tell the plant to make flowers and while most all strains wont flower at 6 hours of dark those hormones are building up...then you hit them with light causing them to basically disassemble and an hour later darkness hits and the Florigen starts assembling. It seems like it would be possible to confuse the plant and when plants are confused/unhealthy/stressed they decide "must propagate".

I would love to see the experiment done though. Would be sweet to save on nthe power bill. I miss my little upstairs bedroom grow from years ago...In veg i would do this during the day lol.securedownload-224.jpg
Well, for starters I will send anyone interested and google: Yoda GLR and Twelve12. They have gro-logs on this and more. From what I read there was no sign of hermism at all. Twelve12 actually ran the system on Blue Planet nutes and in a 2L Coco SoG as well. So far it's looking to be quite promising. As with all things on the net (nobody take it personal) most can only be taken as a grain of salt. So much mis/dis-information it's unreal. People arguing about what works or doesn't and half the time they didn't even try, they just heard it from someone who heard it from someone and so on (I don't personally feel that way about anyone on this wonderful thread, but have run into a few already on this forum lol). I will be setting up a small veg area or transforming my tent to the 12-1 and post results as we gro along. K, i need a nap lol. Peace!!

Edit: Wanted to add that from what I read, the benefits are pretty good. Add in Hempy style and the results may be explosive. All this is in theory as i'm new to all of this!! I do know one thing foresure, I will never go back to soil/less indoors. :weed:
Have a question for everyone, doesn't matter what nutes you're using. Feeding as per the schedule on the bottle/s. Would you feed your Hempy as a recirculating or non-recirculating schedule? Reason I ask is because it kinda fits into both categories but I'm leaning towards recirculating. I aerate my tap water for about 24+ hrs before use. Then mix my nutes and let settle for about 15-30 minutes before feeding. Thanks for all thoughts n comments. Peace!!

It would be the non recirculating and also learn to read your plants and not use a feeding schedule... if you were nitrogen deficient as you said in your earlier post add more nutes
dont blame the fertilizer company.
I was reluctant to try a hempy due to my complete lack of experience as I assumed growing in soil would be the simplest method but apparently I have proven myself wrong…. again.

Considering that I only know slightly more than sweet dick all…. I am rather delighted at how well my hempy is outperforming the 3 dwarfed dirt dwellers.

I am using General Hydroponics Maxi-Grow (7 grams/gal) and keep the pH about 5.8

Question: In soil I would only use nutes every second watering…..does this hold true for hempy, or should I be using the nutes every watering?
I was reluctant to try a hempy due to my complete lack of experience as I assumed growing in soil would be the simplest method but apparently I have proven myself wrong…. again.

Considering that I only know slightly more than sweet dick all…. I am rather delighted at how well my hempy is outperforming the 3 dwarfed dirt dwellers.

I am using General Hydroponics Maxi-Grow (7 grams/gal) and keep the pH about 5.8

Question: In soil I would only use nutes every second watering…..does this hold true for hempy, or should I be using the nutes every watering?

I would up the pH to 6.0. I see some lockout going on and a higher pH should correct that.
many thanks drdank50, I will increase my pH as recommended....may I ask what are the signs of lockout that you are seeing?

For me;

its the really nice dark green growth of the lower leaf, followed by the next set with a yellowish hue starting from the outside of the leaf and going in.

Its subtle.

.... my recommendation would be to leave the pH down out all together if using tap-water. ... If you feel thats not for you, I would only drop my pH by a couple of tenths. Its my strong opinion that with tap water, pH down shouldn't really be used at all with very young vegging plants.

others have differing opinions.

If using water from a well or natural spring or even RO, that's another story..

Your plants are still healthy. I think they'll be OK.
Hey guys, what kind of yield are you guys getting from a 1 gal or the 2l bottles you guys are using? I have a couple empty 1 gal water bottles that I might use in a tent with the other 3 gallon girls I have

can anyone answer this question for me please?
I was reluctant to try a hempy due to my complete lack of experience as I assumed growing in soil would be the simplest method but apparently I have proven myself wrong…. again.

Considering that I only know slightly more than sweet dick all…. I am rather delighted at how well my hempy is outperforming the 3 dwarfed dirt dwellers.

I am using General Hydroponics Maxi-Grow (7 grams/gal) and keep the pH about 5.8

Question: In soil I would only use nutes every second watering…..does this hold true for hempy, or should I be using the nutes every watering?
With my hydro I shoot for 5.8 but ill throw anything in there if it falls between 5.6-6. Personally I'd lean towards an over fert issue. How long do you let the nutes mix too? I'm assuming its powdered and you should be checking the ph after mixing. I'd let powder mix with an air stone for probably 15 minutes before checking it. Do you have a ppm meter to know exactly how much the final mix is?

edit: hell it could be an under fert issue too. They can have similar symptoms in the beginning. That's why I like to know the ppm