the more veg time you have to give your strain to yield enough the less i consider the strain a yielder. we just disagree on this its all good
At first I didn't understand u ..but now I get it ..and yes any og strain is gonna be considered low-medium yielders ..unless they have increased veg time
To make it more clear u should have gave an example of a high yielding strain that doesn't need veg time ..big bud , critical +, etc ..7-9 week flower and will give big yields ..lil to no veg
Also VEG time corraltes directly to yield ..most company give u a estimated yield per m2 ...95 % of those numbers are with 30 days veg from sprouting ..
For higher yielding strains it would say something like only 2 weeks of veg or 12/12 from seed will give big yields ..
Mostly all of the higher potency strains need 30 days from seed ..but they still have lots of high yielding strain that's potent u would have to do research and figure which ones do in ur system's hard to give a estimate on yield with no veg ..most people who do it that way run high numbers for a reason