I do not know what it going wrong with my plants. Can someone please help?

I planted these babies on December 26th and they seem pretty small to be about 2 months old. They are under the 75 watt cfls that run all day long. I water them about once or twice a week and they are in, give or take, a 1.5 gallon pot. One day they were fine and flourishing and the next, half of the leaves had shriveled up and fallen off. I didn't do anything to them and then they just started growing back as if nothing had happened?! I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but something is going on. Also, when should I expect for them to start budding and how do I start to cure the plan when that starts. I'm not sure about the flowering and vegging process either. All information welcomed and even links to other threads. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Looks like you need:
More light, bigger pot, some nutrients, and lots of general know how. Worry about learning how to keep it alive to grow bud before you even think about curing. Spend some time reading over beginners info, watch some you tube vids. The information is all out there ya just gotta go get it....


Well-Known Member
Why don't you do a little research? At the minimum, the wikipedia entry on cannabis has a decent section on growing. Your plant has some issues. Since this isnt a controlled grow its hard to say what. Could be several things. Again, reading up and doing a little internet research will be really helpful. Its free, easy and will only help you be a smarter, better grower.

I think there is even a sticky called "How to Grow Marijuana" here on the forum.

Good Luck


Your plant looks salvageable.


its simple.. u need a bigger pot and more light.... the more light the better try getting a few "Y" splitters for light sockets from your nearest hardware store so you can double up your cfls... light light light my friend


Active Member
if theyve been vegging since christmas then you can certainly flower them now, the stalk looks big enough, but yes know how is a must, im very supprised that you made it this far with 0 knowledge so props for that, but without knowledge im afraid youre not gonna get what you want, READ, if you want some good stuff go on youtube and check out Jorge Cervantes growing guide, 2 1/2 hours of everything you need to know from seed to clone to veg to flower to harvest, also from soil to hydrow, grow rooms, temps, lighting, nutriants, venting, airflow, indoor, outdoor, when to, where to, how to, please check it out or many others, then come back on here with some confidence, also check out- grow420guide, ne1cangrow, mrgreen, urbangrower, all on youtube, GOOD LUCK!!!! P.S. your plants will not flower until you switch the light to 12/12, unless its autoflower, which you wouldve probably already seen signs by now!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I planted these babies on December 26th and they seem pretty small to be about 2 months old. They are under the 75 watt cfls that run all day long. I water them about once or twice a week and they are in, give or take, a 1.5 gallon pot. One day they were fine and flourishing and the next, half of the leaves had shriveled up and fallen off. I didn't do anything to them and then they just started growing back as if nothing had happened?! I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but something is going on. Also, when should I expect for them to start budding and how do I start to cure the plan when that starts. I'm not sure about the flowering and vegging process either. All information welcomed and even links to other threads. Thanks!
Ok, first of all, how many bulbs are you runnin'? Cuz it looks like it's not enuff (ur trying to imitate the sun) and with CFLs they have to be all around ur plant. I'm running almost 500w of CFLs & fluorescents...a nice mix of 6500k & 2700k...more 6500k than 2700k for veg (2to1)...more 2700k than 6500k for flower (again 2to1)

Second, get bigger pots, those poor babies have got to be root bound, and not gettin enuff water..and check that PH, my soil is 6.2 to 6.8...

Third, have you been touching chemicals and then touchin those babies...no no no no...not even hand sanitiser...wash hands (just to be sure there's nothin on them)

Fourth, here's some pics of my setup , not perfect but works well so far, maybe you'll get some ideas...


And here's my babies 3 weeks or less (days old in bottom right of pics)

21 days.jpg

Both 8 days.jpg14 & 10 days.jpg21 days old.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks dude. People are very disrespectful these days.
No problem bro. I was lucky enuff to run into some ppl like myself when I came here, and they took me from cautious to confident. God luck man..I'll answer any questions I can, and If I don't know, I'll help ya find out.