How long can seedlings be in 12/12 without flowering?


I can confirm that switching a plant to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering. I had some seedlings that I kept in the flowering room as I did not have a seperate veg room. I grew the seedlings like this until they were about 4 nodes tall. I was scared they would flower so I built a veg room. They have been on 24/0 since then. I noticed at about the 5th node that males were producing male pre-flowers aka balls and that the females had 2 hairs on the highest node. So far flowering has appeared to stop but I am not 100% sure that it will.
Hey, i am in the same boat right now. I am going to have the seedlings in the flower room for about 10-12 days, do you think I can switch them to the veg room after that and they will not flower? How did your's go? Mainly because I want to veg these out and make them into the mothers.


Active Member
ok to clear both you guys up 12/12 will induce flowering thus making the plant mature fast and show sex fast, it IS in flower mode whenever it's in 12/12, its pure science proven, so everyone is rightbongsmilie YAY, as for the guys ?, get a pc grow box on ebay, i build them and sell them, (beccalove1010), work awesome for seedlings until theyre 8 inches tall, any stealth box is good for seeds and clones, can also complete the grow in them but for you and your issue buy a stealth box, you can put it anywhere, i have fridges, pc's, speakers, anything, you would not be dissappointed.


Active Member
1000000% corect thank you for stopping the arguement
The hormone that begins the flowering process is in plants from their earliest stages, in fact it is in the seed waiting to become a seedling. Flowering can being as soon as a seedling breaks the soil, but you will not see visible signs of it right away, but once the hours of daylight are 12 hours or less it triggers the hormone to begin flowering.

Regardless of if the growers sees visible signs of flowering already or not, his plants are in the flowering process already.


Plants do not have to mature to flower, I had a 8 inch plant that was left outside for two weeks and budded :blsmoke: in the fall


Active Member
you can switch them back to veg yes, it is stressfull so dont do anything but let them grow, and if they show any flowers, gently pull them off when you revert to veg, i would go straight to a 24 hour light cycle if youre coming from flower, itll be like coming into spring with a plant thats already developed.
Hey, i am in the same boat right now. I am going to have the seedlings in the flower room for about 10-12 days, do you think I can switch them to the veg room after that and they will not flower? How did your's go? Mainly because I want to veg these out and make them into the mothers.


Active Member
In my flower room I have a seedling that is 4 days old and its under 12/12 let's see what happens lol. Looks pretty good.