Video Trolls


Well-Known Member
A I did not give them the picture B All I did was tell them to look up "FinShaggy" on google, Buck disregarded that, went straight to my facebook page, and started posting pics of my sister. :dunce:
Your big mouth is what keeps happening to you. YOU told him to go look.



Well-Known Member
:lol: I'm not even gone right now :dunce: And i'm not leaving. I can make new threads and post in them perfectly fine. And if you guys keep posting videos, it just get more views on my threads, and makes the name "FinShaggy" available to people who have never heard it before. I really don't mind the constant posting, the videos are just way too much. They aren't even on topic, and I posted videos that were completely relevant and got banned.

When are you EVER going to learn that those new people will associate your name with complete asshat? You will be mocked forever. We are trying to help you. Do you really want o be famous for being a complete douchebag?


Well-Known Member
I posted videos that were completely relevant and got banned.
Quit fucking lying already! You were never banned for your video spam. Were those posts deleted? Yeah, they were. And you should have been banned for them too, but you weren't. You were banned for being a whiny little bitch and going on a tirade. You were banned for being a total douchebag and attacking everyone, including an adminstrator who was being way too nice and polite to you. Basically, you were banned for being you:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Your big mouth is what keeps happening to you. YOU told him to go look.

Exactly! He's encouraged the trolling. He's encouraged threads that were specifically started to troll him. He's asking for it and has been for a while. I don't mean his behavior has been asking for it, which it has, I mean he has literally been asking to be trolled.


Well-Known Member
Quit fucking lying already! You were never banned for your video spam. Were those posts deleted? Yeah, they were. And you should have been banned for them too, but you weren't. You were banned for being a whiny little bitch and going on a tirade. You were banned for being a total douchebag and attacking everyone, including an adminstrator who was being way too nice and polite to you. Basically, you were banned for being you:dunce:

Here you go, fin

It helps the medicine go down


Well-Known Member
I got banned when I posted like 30+ music videos on my grow thread, that were related to my grow. Then I got mad about the videos being deleting and got banned for ranting. Right now there are trolls ranting (including pics of pics of my sister with their jizz on her face) and posting so many videos on my threads, that my computer can't open pages. Can someone deleted the videos and ban the people that are doing worse things than I got banned for.
Perhaps that is from the 200 pics you uploaded in just ONE post


Well-Known Member
A I did not give them the picture B All I did was tell them to look up "FinShaggy" on google, Buck disregarded that, went straight to my facebook page, and started posting pics of my sister. :dunce:
What did you think would happen? The trials of a Simpleton at its finest!


Well-Known Member
Fact is , you and your mommy ratted you out! Actually your Ego (YouTube check}and mom gave you up! I still want to ridicule you up until harvest (i follow through) because I know those plants of yours are Shivas Hidous Miscreation!


Well-Known Member
Almost every troll this site has to offer are trolling my threads. If they went through and deleted anyone who posted more than 5 times in a row out of my threads that are currently being bumped, there would be NO trolls on RIU. They are all currently in the gas chambers, and you guys could flip the switch at any moment. Troll genocide is possible at this time. :D


Well-Known Member
Almost every troll this site has to offer are trolling my threads. If they went through and deleted anyone who posted more than 5 times in a row out of my threads that are currently being bumped, there would be NO trolls on RIU. They are all currently in the gas chambers, and you guys could flip the switch at any moment. Troll genocide is possible at this time. :D
we'd keep them all if we could just get rid of you hopefully they permaban your ass next time so you cant come back.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a troll and no I'm not pissed, I'm just trying to get it to the point where I can reply to my own threads. My computer sucks and ya'll are making it worse.
Cache management from a browser standpoint - If you would like, I will start a thread and give tips on how to fix it.. as you have for dispensaries.