animal problem questions


hello, im on my first grow and i am vegging 3 plants indoors and then acclimatizing them to the outdoors..
so has anyone had any problems with coons, squirrels, birds.. etc. I have build a sturdy platform in a bent over tree about 10 ft. off the ground so that eliminates deer out of the equation. there is a lot of squirrels around here, don't really know if they like to get high or cause trouble. thanks.


Well-Known Member
I'd only worry about the raccoons. And then, only if your using fish products in your medium or feeding.


I'd only worry about the raccoons. And then, only if your using fish products in your medium or feeding.
yeah raccoons really arn't too big of a problem here and i have chicken wire fencing ill put around the plants, ill put out some coon traps if necessary.


Active Member
I got a rat issue in my compost pile digging holes. Working on fixing it with flooding water.
Put a plastic owl in your patch, mice and rodents always look up when they come out from under cover. That scares them away, move it occasionally. Whole peppercorn tossed around too.


Active Member
Oh yeah what I use to do in my barn was set up coon traps and let them loose in my ring that's covered in chicken wire and bring out thine of my .22s and kill em( fucked up yes, keeping me occupied yes lol) / mother fuckers are mean as all hell tore threw an extension coard and ate up the power coard the my air co pressed while it was all plugged in lol

Oh yeah coon hunting is big here the damn things are a neuscence like crawling into my grain bins and getting locked in there and when I opened one of them and saw those fucking bandit eyes staring at me I almost shut my pants lol


Oh yeah what I use to do in my barn was set up coon traps and let them loose in my ring that's covered in chicken wire and bring out thine of my .22s and kill em( fucked up yes, keeping me occupied yes lol) / mother fuckers are mean as all hell tore threw an extension coard and ate up the power coard the my air co pressed while it was all plugged in lol

Oh yeah coon hunting is big here the damn things are a neuscence like crawling into my grain bins and getting locked in there and when I opened one of them and saw those fucking bandit eyes staring at me I almost shut my pants lol
Yea i can get some coon traps and i have a 20 gauge. fuck racoons don't feel bad killing those shit machines.


Well-Known Member
Both rats and squirrels have caused problems for me in the past! They chew right through the stalk and if the plant is small enough they will try and drag it away with them... I hear if you buy fox piss online then that will keep them away though...


Well-Known Member
cats will get there ass kicked by a coon.. or they will run away.. fox piss u can get at wallyworld.(walmart).. if coon want to get in they will the only way to get rid of them is to kill or relocate them up to 25 miles away. coons are one of the smartest dumb asses we have on this planet. they have thumbs and are very strong.. they will get in and eat anything in there way so on that note KILL the lil fuckers.. if you feel bad about it give the meat to someone who eats coon. hell there not to bad..


Active Member
They don't care about my cans cuz they go for my plants like all of em sunflowers corn and all fuck gofers and raccoons shoot em just about every chance I get they're just like deer around here they want u to kill em cuz they're getting ridiculous haha and hey I don't mind just anothe excuses to drink lol